Here's the thing. I have an AMU deck that after a few months of tinkering and waiting for sets to come out, I can actually say is finished. The thing is, I'm not sure if it's worth keeping around, or taking apart to build some other decks? What do you think?
I would like to keep it because it's sentimental, had me go 4-1 at my 2nd BR's. Reliant (idc what you say, it is.) and it's finally finished.
I want to take it apart because there's so many other decks I want to build, and because I can use the Fairies in other decks.
No biased answers please.
And before this comes up, NO I did not spend bank to get the cards. I got them rather easily by trading old cards and getting them off some friends. So money was never an issue.
I would like to keep it because it's sentimental, had me go 4-1 at my 2nd BR's. Reliant (idc what you say, it is.) and it's finally finished.
I want to take it apart because there's so many other decks I want to build, and because I can use the Fairies in other decks.
No biased answers please.
And before this comes up, NO I did not spend bank to get the cards. I got them rather easily by trading old cards and getting them off some friends. So money was never an issue.