AMU, worth keeping around?


Here's the thing. I have an AMU deck that after a few months of tinkering and waiting for sets to come out, I can actually say is finished. The thing is, I'm not sure if it's worth keeping around, or taking apart to build some other decks? What do you think?

I would like to keep it because it's sentimental, had me go 4-1 at my 2nd BR's. Reliant (idc what you say, it is.) and it's finally finished.

I want to take it apart because there's so many other decks I want to build, and because I can use the Fairies in other decks.

No biased answers please.

And before this comes up, NO I did not spend bank to get the cards. I got them rather easily by trading old cards and getting them off some friends. So money was never an issue.
if you really want to you can build it again... it's an ok deck, but it might be kinda slow, i'd just build another deck.
Try out a new deck for once, just for the sake of keeping up with the game. If you know all your matchups by heart after playing it for so long, it'll bore the hell out of you. But yeah that's just me. All my decks only last 1-2 months, some less than a week.
AMU is a fantastic deck in DP-SF, let alone the speed Level Max brings it (okay, it doesn't help that much, but it sure helps).

I say keep it. It's a very good deck.
Level Max definitely helps this deck, but the question is: does it help it enough to make the deck playable again?

AMU was so playable at BR's because there were few things that spread. Kingdra was the lone spreader. Now we have Dusknoir. AMU was also great a BR's because of no Pokemon that really lock. We have Plox back (well some of us do :p). AMU is definitely playable -

2-2 Mesprit
2-2 Azelf
3-1 Uxie
1-1 Manetric
3 Unown G
17 Pokemon

4 Level Max
4 Roseanne's
3 Bebe's
1 Luxury Ball
4 Premier Ball
2 Snowpoint
4 Warp Point
2 Night Maintenance
2 Looker's
27 Trainers

4 Call
12 Psychic

I think the AMU is still a good deck, but I think it needs to be put with something, like dusknoir and the deck also needs claydol. Not sure if level max is that great because it is flippy, I would rather run premier over it.