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Amy's Trading Thread :]


Aspiring Trainer
Florida, USA

I will ship to USA and Canada only. Most all of my cards are mint, but if you don't ask, I'll assume you don't care. I use troll&toad for pricing. If you want a picture, ask and I will send it to you. I send all of my cards in sleeves, inside of top loaders. If there is anything else you want that isn't listed, just ask, I might have it. I will only trade for what is on my wants list.


X Mewtwos (of course)
1 Celibi
6 Pokegear
1 Crushing Hammer
11 Juniper
5 Catcher
2 Pluspower
2 Junk Arm
3 Catcher
3 Revive
1 Eviolite


5 Machamp prime
4 Gengar Prime
2 Typhlosion Prime
2 Yanmega Prime
1 Blissey Prime
1 Steelix Prime
1 Ursaring Prime
1 Tyranitar Prime
1 Ampharos Prime
1 Umbreon Prime
1 Houndoom Prime
2 Espeon Prime
2 Reuniclus
1 Shiny HO-oh
2 Vileplume
1 FA Cobalion
3 Cobalion
4 Virizion (1 RH)
2 Shaymin UL
1 RH Pichu
1 FA Zekrom BW
1 Zekrom EX
1 FA Shaymin EX
3 Kyurem NV
2 Vanilluxe
1 Landorus
1 Terrakion
3 Thunderus (1 RH)
1 RH Eelektrik
4 Magnezone Prime
2 FA Reshiram EX
1 FA Reshiram BW
1 Reshiram BW
1 RH Reshiram NXD
1 Darkrai Cressalia legend bottom
1 RH Zapdos
2 Cleffa
1 Tornadus
3 Jirachi
1 Gothitelle
2 Jumpluff
2 Muk
1 Smeargle
2 Ninetales (1 RH)
1 Spinarak
2 Shuckle
3 Umbreon
1 RH Pachirisu
3 Emboar (ability) (1 RH)
1 V-create Victini
3 Tyrogue ( 1 RH)
1 Cinccino
1 Terrakion
2 Magmortar (x1 RH)
4 Cryogonal
2 Chandelure NXD
1 Archeops


5 Skyarrow Bridge
2 Lost world
2 Pokemon Center
1 Burned Tower
8 Indigo Plateau (3 RH)
16 Seeker (1 RH)
2 Sage's
9 Copycat (2 LP)
6 Cilan
13 Twins (3 RH)
2 Professor Oak's
4 Cheren
11 Professor Elm's
11 Interviewer's (1 RH)
5 Flower Shop Lady (1 RH)
3 Collector
4 Promo Collectors
3 Cheerleader's Cheer
10 Black Belt (1 RH)
2 Team Rocket's Trickery
2 Fisherman
7 Judge (1 RH)
1 Bianca
6 Life Herb
1 Legend Box
4 Energy Exchanger
11 Rocky Helmet
3 Research Record
4 Exp. Share
2 Max Potion
9 Super Scoop Up
6 Pokeball (2RH)
9 Energy Retrieval
3 Energy Search (1 RH)
1 Recycle
1 Energy Returner
2 Pokemon Reversal
10 Pokedex (3 RH)
5 Full Heal
19 Pokemon Communication
4 Dual Ball
4 Energy Switch (1 RH)
11 Rare Candy (1 RH)
5 Great Ball
8 Cover Fossil (2 RH)
5 Super Rod
2 Heavy Ball (1 RH)
5 Super Rod (1 RH)
4 Potion (1 RH)
1 Super Rod
1 RH Plume Fossil
4 Heavy Ball
9 Xtransciever (3 RH)
4 RH Switch
2 LP Double Colorless
4 Special Metal
4 Rainbow
4 Prism (RH)
9 Special Dark
14 Rescue

I want the following cards:
1 Umbreon UD Prime
1 Feraligatr Promo Prime
1 Espeon UD Prime
1 Umbreon UD
2 Junk Arm
1 Cyrus's Conspiracy

I have:
3 Machop SF
2 Machoke TM
1 Machamp SF
1 Magnezone Prime TM
2 Uxie LA
1 Crobat G PL
2 Ditto LA
1 Froslass GL RR
1 Smeargle UD
2 Bebe's Search
2 Judge
1 Expert Belt
4 Rare Candy
1 Luxury Ball
4 Rainbow
3 Warp

What can we work out?
3 Machop TM
2 Machoke TM
1 Crobat G PL
1 Ditto LA
1 Uxie LA
2 Bebe's Search (Leauge Promo)
1 Judge
1 Expert Belt (Leauge Promo)
1 Luxury Ball

Entei/Suicune Top Half
Raikou/Suicune Top Half
Twins (RH)

Let Me Know.
Please CML for

2 Junk Arm
1 Twins (RH)
3 Black Belt
2 Team Rocket's Trickery
4 Sage's Training
I am interested in your:

Twins x 1 (RH)
Victrebell x 1 (RH)
Dratini x 1 (RH)
Togepi x 1 (RH)
Haunter x 1 (RH)
Shuppet x 1 (RH)
Umbreon Prime x 1


Bebe's Search x 2 (older sets, but still good)
Crobat G x 1
Ditto LA x 2
Expert Belt (LA) x 1
Machop x2
Machop SF x 3
Machoke TM x 2
Magnemite SF #66 x 2
Magneton SF #42 x 1

Let me know if you agree with this.
Please CML for
RSL top
Typhlosion HS
Arcanine HS
Solrock TM
Nidoking TM

I also have
3x Machop SF
2x Machoke TM
2x Magnemite SF66
1x Magneton SF42
1x Ditto LA

I am intrested in this:

1 Pokemon Communication

and Do you have any Pikachu Pichu and Raichu from older sets?
Check my list for:
1x Holo Electric CoL
1x Holo Steel Energy CoL
4x Poliwag UL (Cities Promo)

Let me know if you find anything.
@Zangoosed I actually don't need those Machamps anymore. I just took them off my list, sorry about that. Do you have anything else on my wants list?
Hi, I would like your:

1 Prerelease Deck Box from Call of Legends
1 Lost World
Do you have any STAR (*) Pokemon???

Out of your wants I have:

1 Magnezone Prime TM
Check my list for your other wants.

I could do, My 1 Magnezone Prime TM + Something.

Your, Lost World, 1 Prerelease Deck Box from Call of Legends,1 Lost Remover, If this is "Shiny" I would like it. 1 Groudon COL