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Ancient Guardians Extended Format (Golurk/Sigilyph)


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon (16):

  • 3-3 Golurk
    3 Sigilyph
    2-1-2 Gardevoir
    2 Mewtwo EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums (36):

  • 4 Juniper
    4 N
    4 Skyla
    2 Lysandre
    1 Computer Search
    2 Rare Candy
    1 Evosoda
    3 Ultra Ball
    3 Switch
    2 Level Ball
    3 Dimensional Valley
    2 Super Rod
    2 Startling Megaphone
    3 Muscle Band
Energy (8):

  • 8 Psychic


So basically the strategy is being able to answer and knock out anything. Golurk's Devolution Punch knocks out stage 1 pokemon as well as stage 2 pokemon who used rare candy. Its main flaw is its inability to do anything to big basics, so a heavy line of Sigilyph means the EXs that Golurk cant deal with are covered. And Mewtwo is a strong addition for the deck, with X Ball being boosted to even more damage with Gardevoir's ability good but also being able to use Psydrive here to knock out the big non-EXs like Reshiram with a muscle band and a single energy.

The main reason this deck should well where it may have struggled before is the Gardevoir-Dimensional Valley combo. Being able to use Devolution Punch (Golurk), Psychic (Sigilyph), and Psydrive (Mewtwo) for only 1 energy each seems like it would be really strong, especially when Golurk and Mewtwo's attacks are both potential ohko attacks on non-EX pokemon.

This deck needs a lot of item and trainer support to make sure it manages to set up without problem since Gardevoir is a stage 2, and Golurk is a stage 1 attacker. Without Gardevoir and Dimensional Valley up, this deck can be very expensive on energy and a fair bit slower, so theres a lot of draw support as well as searching cards, and Computer Search to make sure I can get important cards like rare candy. The deck also needs to switch a lot so 3 switch are included. 3 Muscle Band because it allows Mewtwo to ohko regular Reshiram, Zekrom, Yveltal etc with Psydrive for a single energy with Dimensional Valley and Gardevoir in play. This is a big deal since its the main part of the deck which isnt covered by the others.

Theres not really room for techs in the deck because I mainly just focused on making the deck as simple and not stretched as I could since I dont understand the Extended format yet