Ruling Ancient Mew Card


Aspiring Trainer
Ancient mew card, i'm looking pretty long for this card, i'm not going to look on e-bay or something cause i can't pay with paypal or w/e.
What is the value of the ancient Mew card?
I heard that it was worth a lot more in the US then in Europe, I have 4 of those babies, and I got one for free at a game fair 2 years after the movie (where you should have gotten it) o_O, and it was among other stuff in a bag you got when entering, and I wasn't the only one there :p
Oops, am I making people jealous again :S
I have one, still sealed. Are all yours sealed, c-m?
I thought the US one wasn't worth as much as the Japanese version though. I know I've got several of those things tucked away somewhere in my house, as one of my friend's dads worked at the theatre and got us a pretty hefty stack of them. I think I've got 2 or 3 opened and at least 10 still sealed, although I have no idea where they are.