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Annoyingly Long Victory


See you space cowboy...
So the new TRI Victrebell is getting a bit of attention and many people are making decks with it here is mine, with some inspiration from other variants.

Pokemon: 23
3-3-3 Victrebell (3 TU Bellsprout : 3 LA Weepinbell : 3 Tri Victreebel)
2-2-2 Vileplume UD
1-1 Blaziken fb X
3 Spiritomb
1 Unkown q
2 Uxie
1 Azelf

S/S/T 24
3 Pokemon Collector
3 Bebes search
2 Seeker
3 Cyrus
1 Energy gain
2 Contest Hall
3 Memory Berry
2 Twins
1 Palmer

Energy 13
7 Grass
2 Rescue
2 Fire
2 warp

So basic strategy, lock trainers with vileplume (hopefully use attach a memory berry before) but if i dont its fine just continue with being annoying with Victreebell.

Victreebell for LA for the free energy attack Burning scent, which is like invinting scent but better.

Slowking was card slinger idea its just to keep disrupting and keep the opponent from getting anything good and i like it a lot.

unown q for spiritomb if it doesnt die

Twins is for the death of spiritomb to get cards


I need some help maybe 4-4-4 is to much? tell me what you think any help will be appreciated thank you!
-2-2 Slowking
-1 Seeker
-2 Bellsprout LA
+2 Bellsprout TR
+2 Pokemon Contest Hall
+1-1 Blaziken FB lvl X
+1 Cyrus conspiracy
+1 Energy Gain
+1 Rainbow energy or Fire

-Pokemon contest hall lets you get bellsprouts on the bench with Memory Berry
-Blaziken to counter Dialga G
-TR bell is better then LA
-Slowking does nothing really I dont like what lock you can put them on..... drawing trainers.
Thank you for a response, Play testing i did find that slowking is pretty nice but not necessary. What i have a problem is with is getting memory berry on bellsprout before trainer locking (slows me down a bit) so im gonna try out contest hall

Yes to Blaziken even though i do o.k because i have victreebel LA to drag up dialga but still Blaze is better.

thanks again im gonna try this out!
Blaziken is also better for Steelix Prime. Actually, any tank deck sort of beats this, to tell the truth...
watch out for Warp Energy. Those things are bummers for this deck...
I'd consider running 4 Spiritomb since it's your preferred start. But that's just my take.
Wow, those fixes were spot on Mr. Ferrari, I tested the Blaziken FB tech in my Victreebel/Vileplume deck and it's absolutely amazing with Cryus's, Energy Gain, and Warp Energy. :D

Acidic Drain doing 70 damage with Blaziken FB Lv. X's Burning Spirit is really nice while removing 3 damage counters with Victreebel's Acidic Drain attack, very nice.