Another Boy kills his parents for taking away his video games.

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Aspiring Trainer

"Near Russia's Black Sea, a 14-year-old boy has been charged with killing his father after a row over computer games. After the killing, he then played said computer games for several hours.

The boy is currently being held in a pre-trial detention center. He has no criminal record.

According to regional investigators, on April 12 at 1:00am local time, the boy struck his sleeping father with a sledgehammer at least twice, killing him. Earlier, the parents had taken away their son's computer keyboard to punish him for spending the entire week playing computer games.

In the period following the attack, the uninjured mother then gave the keyboard to her son, who then played computer games until he fell asleep. The mother then contacted relatives, who in turn contacted the authorities."

Under Russian law, the 14-year-old boy is old enough to be charged with murder.

this is completey ridiculous he should have a life sentence
I heard about this on the Escapist forums (I apologize if that's considered advertising, but there is no link, and I assume it's a pretty well known site anyway). It's sad. It makes us gamers look even worse than we already seem because people will accuse the games for influencing him.

I'm not defending him completely, but he needs psychiatric help. If he was that addicted to the point he would go that far, he needs help, not a life sentence. He's still a kid, and while what he did was unjust, he should still have a chance to make amends and better himself for a better life.

There are serial killers that elude the cops, get captured, and are released within years on a technicality or parole. I think that kid should at least have a chance to right his wrongs. [/rant]
dont see how the parents could not tell he would be down that route neway.

saw this on ogrishforums a while back
This kids are obviously insane. THis happens WAYWAYWAY more than it should. Although, you have to ask, how do these murdered parents let it get to this point? It's wrong to blame them, but...
I think that to a point that the parents ARE actually to blame. They allowed their son to play obsessive amounts in the first place and get hooked without any disciplinary action, or so it seems.

Either way, that kid needs some serious help.

What I don't understand is WHY ON EARTH THE MOTHER GAVE HIM HIS VIDEO GAMES BACK AFTER THE KILLING OF HIS FATHER. Unless she was afraid to die, but in all honesty, WHY contact relatives and not the police FIRST?

Something definitely smells wrong here.
Crystal Hikara said:
I think that to a point that the parents ARE actually to blame. They allowed their son to play obsessive amounts in the first place and get hooked without any disciplinary action, or so it seems.

Either way, that kid needs some serious help.

What I don't understand is WHY ON EARTH THE MOTHER GAVE HIM HIS VIDEO GAMES BACK AFTER THE KILLING OF HIS FATHER. Unless she was afraid to die, but in all honesty, WHY contact relatives and not the police FIRST?

Something definitely smells wrong here.

If a robber comes in your house, asks for money, kills your husband, and looks at you, I would think you'd happily hand him the money instead of letting a bullet go through your chest, and then lose the money. The kid obviously has mental issues, it could be due to the lack of proper guidence from his parents. The fact that a lot of our parents (meaning other kids) probaby don't know half the stuff we do on here doesn't realy help either. I guess it does really need to be more universally recognized, but it's stuff ike this that makes my parents want to cut down my computer time. Well, best of wishes to the relatives and friends of that poor family.
I dont care about who was involved or what they did/didnt do here. The part taht bothers me is that now here we are with yet another example of video games being bad for kids.

Thats all that will come out of this. Video Games confused him and clowded his judgment. They are bad.
Obviously you don't take away video games from your kids, parents! jk Some kids are just that messed up...

dmaster out.
Video games have reached a points where they are simply the drugs of the virtual world. You get hooked, you do it every day. You can't stop doing it; and in the end you get so attached to it that it ends up killing you, or someone close to you.

Simple as that.
The Assassin said:
Video games have reached a points where they are simply the drugs of the virtual world. You get hooked, you do it every day. You can't stop doing it; and in the end you get so attached to it that it ends up killing you, or someone close to you.

Simple as that.

Or maybe it is a crutch for those who don't have a life.

Well, obviously this kid didn't think things through. He's probably going to go to jail, where he'll play even less video games than when his dad took them away from him, so, what's the point?

A.N.Y.W.A.Y... that's not the point. The point is people are once again blaming video games for the death of this child's father. Now, hear me out, because I'm not saying that what this kid did can be justified in any way. I am, however, saying this could have been prevented by his parents. Obviously, sitting in front of a computer screen for hours on end can cause behavioral modifications that should be addressed if they reach a critical state. Seems to me that his reached a beyond critical state, and his parents were either too afraid or too oblivious to help him.

Video games, most of the time, are not the direct cause of these situations. As someone who commented on the original article said, if video games didn't make this kid kill his father, something else would have. Video games just pushed that last bit of crazy to the front of his mind that forced him to go over the edge. The blame is all around here, and the mother calling a relative after her husband was just murdered in front of her doesn't help.

r3skyline said:
don't see how the parents could not tell he would be down that route neway.

Exactly. They ignored the fact that their child was glued to video games, and was probably acting differently because of it. This kid probably should go to jail, but at the same time, this could all have been prevented.
The mother's behavior looks sort of oddball, but people do tend to act rather strangely in high stress situations. Consider that she just lost her husband, has found that her son is a murderer, and that she is the only one who can contact the police and subsequently be responsible for jailing her own flesh and blood. No doubt she was confused as hell at this point, and most likely she rang relatives first for both comfort and advice. Giving her son the video games back was, actually, a logical decision as it would keep him occupied until she could clear her mind a little and decide what to do -- if he's occupied in front of a screen, he's not a threat.
Wish I could find the appropriate research, etc. But I'm certain there's been scientific work correlating video game use with higher levels of creativity, intelligence, etc. However, in people with altered brains (for example, ADD/ADHD and other personality disorders) this creates issues like this unfortunate case where the player defines themselves according to the game world.

And the mother was absolutely correct to give here son the games back. If she didn't, she almost certainly have been killed as well.
Violent Video Game strike again :/ These days pracicly the only games on the market are violent one Eg. GTA, COD.
It's probably these which drove him to insanity.
But you HAVE to only play in small portions.
I agree with Crystal Hikara-the parents were wrong to allow him to play that much video games. I think that it sort-of depends on the game he was playing in the first place-if he was playing something like MW2 or GTA or any 'killing spree' type of game, then that may have had an influence on what he did. But to play video games for the whole week.... The parents shouldn't have even let him play that much. Apparently you are supposed to only play them for about 1 hour. That long without any disciplinary action was sure to cause a problem, even the parents probably knew that.
Geez. I would have taken the keyboard and hit him over the head with it a long time ago.
It's actually kind of disappointing to see another case like this crop up. But the parents do deserve some blame for letting their son play that much, and not being able to notice that their son couldn't handle these kinds of games in the first place. But as others have said before, this really could've been prevented a long time ago.
Mr. Random said:
It's actually kind of disappointing to see another case like this crop up. But the parents do deserve some blame for letting their son play that much, and not being able to notice that their son couldn't handle these kinds of games in the first place. But as others have said before, this really could've been prevented a long time ago.

Yes, it is limiting his time on the game.
More and more, I start to suspect that Jack Thompson probably had a point somewhere....
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