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Another zpst. !NEEDS HELP!


Im not a marine. Im a spacemarine

zekrom x4
tornadus x3
shaymin x2
pachirisu x2


eviolite x3
dual ball x4
plus power x3
junk arm x4
switch x2
catcher x4
juniper x4
collector x2
pokergear 3.0 x3
pont x4
Energy search x1


elektrik x10
dce x3

Same bases as a zpst deck. Build up zekrom for tanking or for the donk (i would like to get seeker in here but only thing i can see getting rid of is SSU).
I would take out Energy Search for another Juniper (I'd rather have a Juniper in my first hand than an Energy Search) and maybe both Defender (you only need Eviolite imo) for another Collector and another PONT. This will help getting a good hand on the first turn and it will help your consistency.
True. thanks ill update the list a lil.
I am going to keep the energy search though just incase i have the chance for a donk and i can get it into my hand.
Uh I ran a fairly similar list it didn't go so well so I'd go

-1 nrg search
-1 pokegear
-1 juniper
-2 dual balls
-2 switch

+2 collector
+ 1 dce
+2 lightning
+1 unown cure
+1 cleffa

Reasons dual ball Is to floppy and just ok early game nrg search is pointless running one so replace it with nrg 4 juniper is way to much you wil end up decking urself because new hands early on are really tempting 3 pokegear is insane u want another nrg in there for a higher donk chance finally the two switches aren't worth it the goal is to get fast kos not put damage on your bench get cleffa for rocky starts and cure for vvv and mewbox hope this helps also your deck is missing two cards put in 2 Ssu seeker is just a waste of a supporter
^Careful or somebody is going to report you for bad advice. Dual Ball makes it way easier to get the turn 1 80-120 since it allows you to use another supporter like Juniper to get the energy you need. Energy Search is to use with Junk Arm, therefore 1 is fine instead of an energy. Cleffa and babies in general are awful in ZPST because you're aiming for turn 1 damage, and all they do is prevent that, and you can lose if they stay asleep into your second or third turn. Unown cure is another bad card because starting with it is horrible, and Mewbox and VVV aren't serious enough threats to warrant the use of it anyway.

The list seems a bit cramped, I'm not really sure what you could remove without hindering consistency. Maybe remove a few PlusPowers, since almost everything that has 130 hp uses some sort of trainer lock? You could use some Seeker or Super Scoop Up to prevent Shaymin and Pachirisu from being Catcher KOed and to reuse them. Seeker is better imo since you won't really be using Supporters late game anyway and it isn't as flippy.
^ obvously your not in seniors or have never played zpst dual balls are extremely risky and can get you 1-2 pokemon so you need the other 1-2 pokemon already in hand as for juniper umm if u use it to get energy you will end up discarding the pokemon you just dual balled for so instead of dising on my advice maybe you should think about what you say and focus on giving the player which it seems you didnt do to much of as for mewbox and triple v if youve played against those decks you would no they are problems vvv prevents pluspower so no ohko on vanilluxe which means for every two kos they get you only get 1 also mewbox can drag ur high retreat cost pokemon unown cure fixes paralyze poison and confusion also its not even close to true that 130 hp decks r trainer locks goth is gone vvv is the only one i can think if mirrors dont run it reshphlo dont run it neither does six corners so um u need to get your facts straight
I'm not trying to start a flame war, please don't insult me. No I'm not a Junior and I have played ZPST. Of course a Dual Ball doesn't get you all of the Pokemon you need, which is why your run 4 as well as some hand refresh so you can get multiple dual ball in a turn as well as hand refreshers so you can get one turn 1, and drop the energy/trainers/pokemon from your original hand, then refresh into more cards, unlike using Collector but no hand refresh, in which case you'll run out of cards to play very quickly. Collector isn't bad, which is why he has some, but there are uses for Dual Ball too. First of all, Mewbox is a near autowin for ZPST. Calling it a serious threat to ZPST and then saying that Unown Cure is good in ZPST against it doesn't help your case at all. VVV isn't that tough either. If they run the Mew variant, start attacking turn 1 or 2 and they can't win. If they don't run Mew, they'll still have a tough time if you Catcher up the pre-evolved forms and KO them before they can set up Vileplume, then start 2HKOing Vanilluxe and they will run out of attackers before they can win. Better yet, you can use Catcher to prevent them from ever setting up a Vileplume, and use the Switch you removed to get out of the lock. Most of the reason I said they aren't serious threats is because they aren't too commonly played either. For the 130 HP decks, Chandelure, Gothitelle, and The Truth are often more commonly played and much better than the decks that don't run trainer lock. Well, a good enough 6 corners list works, but they often run too many Eviolite for PlusPower to work unless you can donk them with a t1 Zekrom, which your changes lessened the chances of. Reshiram and enemy ZPST will usually have damage counters on their dragons due to Afterburner and recoil from Bolt Strike. Something you overlooked is that PlusPower damages your own Zekrom more if they use Bolt Strike, making them easier to revenge KO. Its a useful card in ZPST but depending on your area, you don't need 3. Also, you contradict yourself with your own changes as lowering the Pokegear count reduces your chances of getting a turn 1 Collector anyway. Also, Juniper is a godly card in ZPST and 4 of it is a must. Don't insult me for not having my facts straight if you don't know your own.
Here's what would do:
-1 eviolite(you dont really need 3)
-2 dual ball(i think dual ball is an amazing card in this deck, but for me it's a little to flippy)
-1 pokegear(i think 2 should be enough)

+1 collector(if you decrease your dual ball, you need 3 collector)
+1 torandus(i feel that you should max out the tornadus, just in case, plus it's another attacker)
+1 DCE(this helps out when attacking with tornadus, but can be used for zekrom's outrage if you dont have enough lightning energy)
+1 cleffa/tyrogue(this helps as a free retreater or can help stall if you need to take a turn to set up)

Hope i helped =)
Thanks all for comments. Lists ive seen run that work well have been pretty similar to these lists go with a 3-3 dual ball/collector n the list of these r pretty much the same besides they run about 13-15 electrick energies.