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Anti-Booster Lifesplosion (Virizion / Cradily / Dragonite)


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon(Main Core)
  • 2 Virizion-EX PLB
  • 1 Lileep PLB
  • 1 Cradily PLB
  • 1 Dragonite PLF
  • 1 Blastoise PLB*
Pokemon(Assistant Core)
  • 2 Mr. Mime PLF
  • 1 Chatot PLB
  • 1 Dialga-EX PLB
  • 1 Gallade PLS
  • 1 Torterra PLS
  • 1 Bouffalant DRX
  • 1 Tornadus -EX PLF
  • 1 Kangaskhan PLB
  • 1 Porygon-Z PLB*
  • 3 Skyla
  • 3 Professor Juniper*
  • 2 Colress Machine
  • 2 Ultra Ball
  • 2 Tool Scrapper
  • 2 Silver Mirror
  • 2 Super Rod
  • 2 Switch
  • 2 Pokemon Catcher
  • 1 Silver Bangle
  • 1 Town Map
  • 1 Cilan
  • 1 Plasma Frigate
  • 1 Root Fossil Lileep
  • 1 Shadow Triad
  • 1 Scoop Up Cyclone
  • 7 Water*
  • 4 Grass
  • 1 Psychic
  • 1 Steel
  • 4 Plasma

This is a deck that utilizes Lifesplosion for the purpose of countering G-Booster-using Genesect by attempting to deprive them of the tools and/or items they need to bypass Silver Mirrors to KO foes past such Plasma-pokemon repellants. First, get out and restore Lileep ASAP, then evolve her to Cradily, hopefully by Turn 2, and finally, it shall be sent in to use Lifesplosion, sending out Stage 2 Dragonite and Gallade/Torterra to bench w/o any worries of evolution from their pre-evolved forms, use Emerald Slash to build up their energy, then let their foes cower in fear that they can't use any items or tools to help them out due to Deafen. Once Genesect-EX is gone, or if there's enough prize cards already taken to take victory on the next KO before the foe can use items again, Gallade's Powerful Storm/Torterra's Rumble Stomp shall be sent in to take the cake. Depending on certain situations, this strategy can be modified, to make life easier for the Stage 2s, by using other pokemon to deal with the situation, like, for example, Dialga-EX: If you need a item from the discard pile, hope for luck, and it can be remedied. It also works w/ Plasma Frigate, although Shadow Triad is there to deal with that, but if it's in the discard pile, Dialga-EX can serve in lieu of that supporter. Another example is Chatot. In the absence of a non-discarded Tool Scrapper, it can be used to destroy all tools outside of Silver Mirrors. One final example is Tornadus-EX. If you need cards to deal with a situation that could otherwise interfere with your strategy, shuffle the cards you currently have back in deck and Windfall six other cards into your hand. There are other examples of situations that don't necessarily involve using other pokemon, such as Scoop Up Cyclone: If your Stage 2 is going to be KO'd next turn, use it to rob your foe of a prize card and send a more healthy pokemon out, and that is where another item comes into play, as you then need to do all things in your power to get that stage 2 back in your deck by using the discard pile as a springboard for your Super rod getting your desired card in deck, and, after the rod is used, if the game is still going at this point, use another lifesplosion to get it back on bench, and rinse and repeat until game over. There are more scenarios in this deck than I can count that could be mentioned if there was text room, so I'll leave it here..

^But what do you think of the above strategy?

Any changes that I need to make?

edit @ 15:38 on October 4th, 2013: Thanks for help, poster below this. Taking your advice, I added, and indicated with a "*"(meaning it was added to my decklist after initial post):

1 Blastoise PLB
1 Porygon-Z PLB
1 Professor Juniper
7 Water Energy

...and removed:

4 Grass
1 Float Stone
2 Colress Machines
1 Energy Search
1 Psychic Energy
1 Iris

^ How do you think the above changes affect my deck?
RE: Anti-Booster Lifesplosion(Virizion/Cradily/Dragonite)

The problem i see with your deck is after getting out cradily. All you get is gallade, dragonite, and torterra. Dragonite/Torterra would then need 2-3 turns to power up. By that time you probably got overwhelmed by even other rogue decks. If you plan on using cradily. You probably need to utilize the 2nd step pokemon with abilities or cheap attacks, rather than some that needs 3-5 energy.
RE: Anti-Booster Lifesplosion(Virizion/Cradily/Dragonite)

Ivy_Profen said:
The problem i see with your deck is after getting out cradily. All you get is gallade, dragonite, and torterra. Dragonite/Torterra would then need 2-3 turns to power up. By that time you probably got overwhelmed by even other rogue decks. If you plan on using cradily. You probably need to utilize the 2nd step pokemon with abilities or cheap attacks, rather than some that needs 3-5 energy.

Thanks for advice...

List edited...

*bump no. 1*
RE: Anti-Booster Lifesplosion(Virizion/Cradily/Dragonite)

You have way too much energy. Either way you are probably better off using emboar than blastoise. The reason is that grass and fire are on the same blend. idk how sort of energy count you may want but certainly its not what you want now. Anyway i would suggest a pokemon count with more consistency and stability.

2 Virizion
2-2 Cradily (incase 1 gets prized or something and its the main point of your deck)
2 Emboar
2/3 Dragonite

Using blend for cradily and virizion. And using emboar to charge dragonite. Though its not that reliable since the blends may not be enough for cradily.

Another possibility.
2 Virizion
2 Tropius
2-2 Cradily
2 Infernape
2 Gallade
1 Sigilyph

4 Blend
2 Prism
6 Grass

This energy set up allows all of your pokemon to attack pretty consistently. The only pokemon that needs the blend is Sigilyph. Infernape is completely fine with just using torment and gallade doesnt need colored energy either. The Blend is also there incase Infernape wants to use its second attack that needs (F)(C).
RE: Anti-Booster Lifesplosion(Virizion/Cradily/Dragonite)

Um just saying but why only run 1-1 Craidily and if this is called anti-booster why run boosters in your deck it would make more sense to run Haxorus so here's what I would do to the deck but I would change all the pokemon out pretty much and basic energy so heres the changes I`d make to make the deck more solid.

Remove all pokemon except tornadus EX Lilleep Craidilly and Mr. Mime and all energy except the metal energy so here what to add and I`ll list this time because there's less to list
+ 4 Haxorus
+ 1 Tornadus EX
+ 2 Jerachi EX sorry for my spelling
+ 1-1 Cradilly line
+ 3 Root Fossil Lilleep you need to get t out quicker
+ 6 Metal energy
+ 6 Fighting energy
ok well now u counter all plasma pokemon just make sure to catcher up all your opponents Team Plasma Pokémon up to KO them
Hope I helped
RE: Anti-Booster Lifesplosion(Virizion/Cradily/Dragonite)

Thanks for all your help...

...but I just saw press that made me unsure whether my planned deck deserves help, or if the idea is a fantasy that is impossible to be a reality as long as my deck has even a trace of lifeslposion in the first place, press that mentioned turn 3 being likely one turn too late to stop genesect in a tournament-level game in today's meta, because if I lose the flip, and T1 Emerald Slash is used to help Genesect out before I get a chance to set it up anyway, if Virizion is KO'd on T2 by G-Booste before I get to evolve Cradily, yet if my Emboar is Catchered, and it is KO'd by G-Booster before I can set up on my end of T3, and/or if my opponent wins the flip and uses Rare Candy on T2 to evolve Tepig/Squirtle, and uses its ability to give the resulting Emboar/Blastoise some help, Catcher Lileep, and KO it before it can evolve AND use Lifesplosion, my deck could be likely outclassed by others in a tournament-level environment...

should I delete this thread, or should I keep it open in case someone else wants to try it???
RE: Anti-Booster Lifesplosion (Virizion/Cradily/Dragonite)

Keep the thread around. There is no reason to delete it.
RE: Anti-Booster Lifesplosion (Virizion/Cradily/Dragonite)

King Arceus said:
Keep the thread around. There is no reason to delete it.

Come to think of it, my sister is interested in lifesplosion, so good idea... Who knows if there's any other takers for the lifesplosion that could warrant that there's no need to delete this...

I'll keep it open for her, and maybe other potential lifesplosion takers...