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Anti-Darkrai (Landorus / Terrakion / Zekrom)


Aspiring Trainer
  • 3 Landorus (Abundant harvest)
  • 2 Landorus EX
  • 2 Terrakion (Promo w/ Justified ability)
  • 2 Terrakion (retaliate)
  • 2 Terrakion EX
  • 2 Zekrom
  • 4 Juniper
  • 4 N
  • 4 Bianca
  • 3 Muscle Bands
  • 4 Heavy Ball
  • 2 Silver Bangle
  • 2 Energy Retrieval
  • 2 EXP Shares
  • 3 Switch
  • 2 Tool scrapper
  • 3 Energy switch
  • 1 Professors Letter
  • 2 Pokemon Catcher
  • 4 DCE
  • 7 Fighting


As the name suggest this is a darkrai counter. Its situational, but most decks I am playing atm are darkrai variants.

The promo terrakion is cos of the justified ability (attacks do 50 more damage against dark type pokemon,) Landourus for abundant harvest, to try and energy accelerate, Landourus EX and Terrakion EX as its a good fighting type attacker.