BW/BW2 Anyone Have an Arceus?

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Magikarp is my bait!
One of the only legendaries that I am missing is Arceus and I missed the event. I was wondering if anyone has a TRU Arcues, I don't have much to trade but I do have some things that may tickle yer fancy. If you have one to spare then add ,me on Skype. My Skype is NorisomWorld. If you don't have Skype or don't really want to add me then just PM me but I will be more likely to be on Skype.
For events I have a a Shiny Raiku for the Zoroark event. I am getting all the other shiny beasts along with the Celebi that unlocks the Giovanni fight and Zorua. I also have all the Guardian Sign events except Deoxys.
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