Pokemon Anyone Have D/P yet????


The Stuff of Legends
Just wondering how many of you are playing D/P or have it now.....I got both games and the guide at 8 AM this morning.....so anyone else have it/play it???
I'm probably getting one today. 8D

If so, I'll owe my parents money - and quite a bit - as I don't have any saved up (well, 2 dollars isn't nothing to brag about). And I also need a DS, and I can get one upon selling my GBA SP and some other stuff.

Shawn out.
got mine at 1:00 this morning. I'm almost three hours in right now. I have my first badge, so I'm making some progress.
I got it at around 8:00 this morning. Some newbie at EB Games was at the counter though, and he didn't know about the sylus special event.

The shipment actually came into EB a few days ago, so I was able to get to the sixth gym before the game actually came out :p.

Got both today, both styluses, the stylus case and I was able to afford it by beating one of my friends who works there so I got a 15 dollar Gift card, I'm sooo happy,:D:D:D

dmaster out.
i got it ive been playin for over 6 hrs and my favorite line is if u dont have any gym badges then trainers look down on u like ur a total noob, right
I got it yesterday afternoon.I would be playing it right now but my mom WILL NOT LET ME play DS on school days.:( I know were she put the DS so I will play it at night time when she is sleeping.;)Or any other chance I get.Hey do you guys know what level bioof,starly shinx amd piplup evole at?Thanks;)
I am dying to play it, bu unfortuntaely I have to wait till my exams are over next week. School sux! I have the money to buy it, but no time, loL xD I purposely ordered it online knowing it would take 3-5 days to ship. Oh well I better do well on those exams so I can play DP in peace ^^