Help Anyone know any good cards for Greninja ex Twilight Masquarade?


Aspiring Trainer
I've been working on a Greninja ex deck based on the Greninja from Twilight Masquarade. When I play it on TCG Live, it works somewhat well. What I was wondering was if any cards being trainers, special energies, or Pokemon which is what I was hoping to get information on are good to pair with Greninja ex. I've seen many people using Pidgeot ex with Greninja. I personally think the idea is amazing and of course worked just fine with me as well, although I wanted to find something new to work with maybe to help against Dragapult ex as it is a big threat to my Greninja. Another thing that also happened to be pondering in my head was if I should use the Greninja from the Scarlet and Violet Promos. I think it would work with my deck but I was wondering what you all thought. Thanks
You could use boomerang energy so that you don't actually discard the energy needed for the attack.