Anyone watch booster opening videos?

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Aspiring Trainer
I began to watch some videos on YouTube of people opening their booster boxes and booster packs and got addicted. A nice way to get surprised (although not as fun as doing it yourself) without having to constantly spend money. Just wondering how many others here do the same.
It's impossible. It was rumoured almost every set that there was a pattern.....but there isn't. And if there is, the people that clam they have found it, aren't so kind to share it with the masses, which is obviously suspicious. It's fun to actually be right about some cards being in packs, but it doesn't help getting LV.X all the time.
afstandopleren said:
It's impossible. It was rumoured almost every set that there was a pattern...but there isn't. And if there is, the people that clam they have found it, aren't so kind to share it with the masses, which is obviously suspicious. It's fun to actually be right about some cards being in packs, but it doesn't help getting LV.X all the time.

You understand that if everyone knew how to get Lv.Xs every pack people would stop playing. Just think about, you can never pull a Lv.X because someone was there before you to get them all. Its not fair, so a lot of people would quit playing knowing they could not get an X.
And if your smart enough to fiqure out how crack the code in Pokemon Box then your smart enough to know not to tell other people;)
Its not really a patter, but the wierd thing about my box is that all of my X's came with Arceus cards.
I love how the first post mentions nothing about patterns/codes/etc yet every reply does :rolleyes:

First post asked if others do the in watch pack/box break videos. First reply starts 'It's impossible."

Were there some posts deleted in between or something? lol
i love watching youtube vids of people pulling beast stuff! its amazingly addictive but true its way more fun to open em yourself.
amisheskimoninja said:
Its not really a patter, but the wierd thing about my box is that all of my X's came with Arceus cards.

ROFL I asked myself the same thing. I don't think there was, which is odd.
There is actally a pattern, and I've done it before. There is this thing called a pack reset. It's when there are 2 pack types that alternate. When You find the pack reset, you put it, and all cards behind it in the front. Then you must find a list, and count backwards to find the card listed. There was a SV list posted here a while ago. I'm sure you can find others on YouTube.
I used to watch booster opening videos, but not anymore. They get boring after a while. I'd rather go buy myself some boosters xD
Craig III said:
This guy broke the code for Supreme Victors and said he'd be doing Arceus within the next few days.

Time to break the Arceus code. Since the Arceus inserts take the place of reverse holos, like the shinings do, I'm guessing I won't be able to pinpoint those. My friend bought a box from me already and opened it all up quick and I wrote down everything from his box, so if things go well, starting with the first box I bust, I should be able to pinpoint at least the Xs. Should get at least some vids uploaded tonight!
Yeah, I love to watch 'em. I can't afford to buy packs often, and I don't have a car/job. So I can't go to the store. xP So when I want to open packs... GO VIRTUAL! xD
LoneTyranitar said:
You understand that if everyone knew how to get Lv.Xs every pack people would stop playing. Just think about, you can never pull a Lv.X because someone was there before you to get them all. Its not fair, so a lot of people would quit playing knowing they could not get an X.
And if your smart enough to fiqure out how crack the code in Pokemon Box then your smart enough to know not to tell other people;)

I've said it before and I'll say it again:
And letting noobs and kids getting away with valuable cards that they put in their pants or do other unmentionable horrors with the cards while not using them for what they were truly meant for is okay?

I don't think it's that much of a bad thing as you portray it. You still have the option to buy singles and boxes yourself. Big whoop.

And another thing, you can't effectively check boxes as they vary per case and if you don't know which box from the case you get, you are prolly nowhere. If you don't know the case, chances are you will find yourself up against variables aka, wasting your money. But it might just be my luck that all my boxes were odd like TCGBreaker's 3d Arceus box.
yeah. i sometimes watch booster box opeing videos but i will be getting an RR booster box for christmas.... anywho, yes. i still sometimes watch 'em. :p
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