Ruling Ape Lv. X - Burning Head


Aspiring Trainer
It says something like "Look at the top 3 cards of the deck, then add 1 to the hand and discard the remaining 2."
Now, for my questions:
1) Is it usable if there are less than 3 cards in the deck?
2) If it is, say there are 2. Is the user allowed to discard both, or do you need to add 1 to the hand anyway?

EDIT: Same for Pokedex Handy and Pokenav btw: does it matter if there are less cards in the deck than requested by the card?
I'd suspect that you wouldn't be able to use Burning Head or those trainers when you don't have enough cards in your deck.
If you could it would be disobeying what the trainers and power said.
You do as much as you can, in order.

So in Burning Head's case, you draw the rest of your deck, keep 1, and discard whatever's left (if any).