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Arcanine / Volcarona


Aspiring Trainer
  • 4 Growlithe
  • 4 Arcanine (Blazing Mane)
  • 2 Lavesta
  • 2 Volcarona (Scorching Scales)
  • 2 Tepig
  • 1 Pignite
  • 4 2 Emboar (Inferno Fandango)
  • 1 Moltress
  • 1 Heatmor (Plasma Storm)
  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 4 N
  • 2 Bianca
  • 2 Ghetsis
  • 4 Pokemon Catcher
  • 3 Level Ball
  • 2 Heavy Ball
  • 2 Super Rod
  • 2 Energy Retrieval
  • 3 Switch
  • 1 Rare Candy
  • 9 Fire
  • 2 DCE

The basic idea of the desk is to burn the opponent and deal extra damage with Volcarona. Emboar is for energy acceleration as the attacks are all 3 energy each. This deck is a bit of fun, but has trouble delivering the final punch in the late game.
Any help is appreciated
RE: Arcanine/Volcarona

Your deck lacks focus. It seems like theres too many things going on at once. You need to drop the motres and heatmor. You need more rare candy. No ghetsis for this deck. Theres no space. With everything having such huge retreat cost, you need float stones, escape rope also helps a lot for you. It also acts as a pseudo catcher. Idk if this deck can work without catchers but try with escape ropes for now. If not try 2 catchers and 3 escape ropes and 2 float stones. you need more retrievals since you drop 2 energy each time. Idk how much DCE is going to help. Might just keep 12 fire.

Maybe something like this.
Pokemon: 17
3-3 Arcanine
2-2 Volcarona (Least important pokemon)
3-1-3 Emboar

4 N
4 Juniper
3 Skyla
1 Cilan

Trainers: 19
2 Level Balls
2 Heavy Balls
3 Rare Candy
4 Superior Energy Retrieval/ Energy Retrieval
4 Escape Rope (To help switch and to accommodate for new catcher rule set soon)
3 Float Stone
1 Super Rod

9 Fire
2 Double Colorless

I forgot an ace spec. Probably dowsing machine.

Another way you could take this deck is to just go all out on the status'.
Pokemon: 14
4-4 Arcanine
3-3 Volcarona

4 N
4 Juniper
3 Skyla
1 (Bianca, Colress, Caitlin)

Trainer: 22
2 Virbank City Gym
4 Hypnotoxic Laser
2 Level Balls
2 Heavy Balls
2 Energy Retrievals
1 Super Rod
3 Catcher
1 Dowsing Machine
3 Switch
2 Silver Mirror

4 Double Colorless
8 Fire

Basic Strategy is to get out Volcarona Asap. Then attach a bangle, hypnotoxic laser with the virbank on the field. Attack for 70 damage, discard an energy for burn. So in that turn you do 70 + 30 (Bangle) + 30 (Poison) + 40 (Burn). Being able to hit for 170 on Ex pokemon if they take a hit from burn. If not ex it can still do 140 damage, which is enough to take out most pokemon as well.

Though in all honesty. I want to say that Ninetales is probably a much better pokemon in here than Arcanine. Yes the 2 abilities of Volcarona/Arcanine have really good synergy. Arcanine's Attack is too expensive. Ninetales on the other hand is only 1 energy, and when you evolve it you can catcher. You already have hypnotoxic and virbank. If put to sleep, Ninetales attack does 120 + 30 for poison. Since both basics have the ability to burn the defending pokemon, you can do 20 (basic damage) + 50 x 3 (Burn, poison, sleep) + 30 (Bangle) + 30 (Poison) + 40 (Burn). Making it hit for ridiculous amounts on ex. But it could also not have burn and still do a ton of damage with bangle and still being able to OHKO with only poison and sleep.
RE: Arcanine/Volcarona

Thanks for the suggestions.

As for dropping the Heatmor to make room for Escape Ropes seems redundant for the deck strategy. Heatmor's luring flame attack is a catcher that also burns (no seriously it is the same effect as catcher, plus causes burn)

Ghetsis is just interesting hand disruption, especailly with a Garbadour, and a Tool box deck in my play group. You get some interesting situations occurring. If you can find a suitable replacement for both the hand disruption and potential draw then I am all ears.

Moltress I concede is pretty bad, but 3 energy to deal 50 damage and burn has its uses occasionally. Im thinking to drop for another heatmor.

As for needing to retreat, honestly not really a problem. With both 4x catchers and Heamor's luring Flame I can keep out the stuff that is isn't able to attack and set to burn for a while, or just stall with Arcanine having so much Hp, while burn does its thing. To cure status effects I can switch out if I have to, or just pay the cost to retreat and retrieve the energy as needed.

as for adding Cilan, I'll give it a try. Same for dousing machine.

RE: Arcanine/Volcarona

If you fear Garbodor you probably need a few tool scrappers. If not your deck will basically flop around and die against anything with Garbodor.
RE: Arcanine/Volcarona

Ivy_Profen said:
If you fear garbodor. And you should. You probably need a few tool scrappers. If not your deck will basically flop around and die against anything with garbodor.

Well you weren't wrong. I play tested against a Garbodor deck in the weekend. Garbodor its self wasn't that scary, as its relatively squishy, but the fact it blocks my damage potential until it dies makes the game harder. So yes think that tool scrappers are needed, but what should I take out for them?
RE: Arcanine/Volcarona

I would say your best bet is to drop pokemon.

I didnt know what that heatmor did. If that is the case. I would probably suggest dropping both emboar and arcanine. Max out heatmor, go 3-3 on volcarona. And maybe add in victini Ex to accelerate energy. Dropping all those pokemon would make tons of room for stuff.

You could try making a fun gimmicky deck with the following. You should probably edit this set a little bit on the trainers, I'm not too sure what to expect from this deck and I sort of just threw things together.

3-3 Ninetales
4 Heatmor
2-2 Volcarona
2 Victini Ex

Support: 12
4 N
4 Juniper
1 Colress
1 Shadow Triad
2 Skyla

Trainer: 20
1 Victory Piece/Dowsing Machine (ace)
3 Level Ball
2 Ultra Ball
4 Hypnotoxic Laser
2 Virbank City Gym
3 Tool Scrapper
1 Super Rod
4 Switch/Float Stone

Energy: 12
10 Fire

Either way you go for double or even triple status with burn and abilities. Whittle the opponent down with status damage. But of course you will eventually get in trouble not being able to do damage. This is where ninetales comes in. You can easily use luring flame shenanigans while you build ninetales. Then clean up with Ninetales. 20 + 50 per status effect is really strong and easy to do with hypnotoxics.

The best thing about this deck is that your main attackers use 1 energy. Also you aren't completely helpless against Garbodor since hypnotoxic + Ninetales can just murder it and get around its garbotoxin ability.

Your biggest threats are the top tier decks of course. But all of your attackers are 1 energy attackers so its not too horrible.

Blastoise will probably murder you unless you can knock out Squirtle consistently and tool scrapper away float stones to prevent Keldeo from negating your status effects completely. Other than that it will take good planning to get around Keldeo EX and Black Kyurem EX.

VirGen decks only real threat to you is Virizion. But with Victini with victory piece in the wings, you should be okay. Especially with all the catching ability in your deck.

TDK is probably a huge problem with kyurem doing double damage to every pokemon in your deck. If you play smart and maybe with some enhanced hammers this match up shouldn't be impossible.

Darkrai/Garbodor. No abilities isn't a huge problem with this set up. Since you aim to KO everything with Ninetales in 1 hit. I would suggest leaving the float stone on Garbodor, and discard the ones on their Pokemon. Allowing luring flame and poison to do its job since dark cloak ability is shut down. If you can prevent a Darkrai from getting 3 energy you should be fine. The Sableye aren't a huge threat without Darkrai.
RE: Arcanine/Volcarona

Okay, so the whole reason I built this deck is because Arcanine is my favourite pokemon. I built the deck to make him semi playable, so I am loathe to drop them out. As I said in my first post the deck isn't too bad, just lacking late game punch. For truly competitive play I am building a Blastoise Deck.

I am open to the idea of Ninetales and Laserbank though, as it seems like a good idea.

Here is a proposed list in reply to yours

2-2 Ninetales
4 Heatmor
2-2 Volcarona
2-2 Arcanine

4 N
4 Juniper
1 Colress
1 Bianca
2 Skyla

Dowsing Machine
3 Level Ball
2 Heavy Ball
4 Hypnotoxic Laser
2 Virbank City Gym
2 Tool Scrapper
2 Super Rod
4 Switch

10 Fire

Same basic idea as your deck, but now with Arcanine!
In all seriousness Arcanine can be good for stalling if you are flopping around with a minimum hand, and everyone bar garbador has to be careful about attacking or else be burned, risking damage between turns and setting up for Ninetales.I have considered Victini already and I don't think it is quite right for the deck, IDK maybe play testing is needed.

I have played against TDK with my current build, it just required me to be really careful with my plays, so made for a really intense game. Blastoise I am expecting to just die horribly. Hopefully with the scrappers Garbador wont be an issue
RE: Arcanine/Volcarona

That's 3 evolving Pokemon, that's almost as bad as two 2-step pokemon I think. Idk, you can try it out.

Either way you are right. Victini might not be needed. But I kinda want it for Virizion, since its the only way to knock out Virizion with this deck. Either way I took it out and tested the deck. It was pretty funny. Ended up fighting a Flygon deck with Celebi and won pretty funnily. Though he couldn't get any fighting energy.

I call it "Burning Musical Chairs," anyway thx for the interesting deck idea. I'm going to make a thread to brain storm changes. Feel free to stop by and make suggestions since this idea sprung from you.