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Arceus All kinds (for any)


See you space cowboy...
18 Pokemon

3 - Arceus LVX
3 - Ripple Arceus (Starter/Garchomp?)
2 - Fire Arceus (Dialga Steelix Scizor)
1 - Psychic Arceus (Machamp)
2 - Lightning Arceus (not too good of an attack but gyrados...)
1 - Fighting Arceus (Luxray)
2 - Water Arceus (Donphan)
1 - Dark Arceus (eh Gengar)
1 - Grass Arceus (healing)
1 - Unown Q (Ideally for Colorless Arceus)
1 - Lucario G (tech to make annoying +20 weaknesses to x2!)

4 Collector
4 Beginning Door
4 Ultimate Zone
1 Twins
2 Black Belt
2 Warp Point
4 Plus Power
2 Expert Belt
1 Premier Ball
1 Palmer's

3 Fire
2 Psychic
2 Fighting
2 Water
1 Dark
1 Grass
2 Lightning

Basic Arceus hopefully start with colorless arceus with ripple swell. Collector/begining door to get arceus, More of an assault build with plus powers e-belts and black belts. Lucario is in their to help one shot or 2 shot pokemon faster. Thinking of replacing an arceus x for a meteor mash one for a chance of doing some actual damage.

Im thinking of taking out some pluspower possibly and add maybe a bebe.
Ive dabbled here and there with Arceus. One thing that jumps out at me right away is your 4 Plus Powers. Although they are fun, the point of your deck is to hit for weakness every turn after ripple. Plus Powers will not make much difference there. There is also a glaring weakness in your list and thats draw power. Seeing Uxie can hinder your deck, you must consider another option. You should use PONT. Also consider dropping the Grass energy for something else, maybe another water. You will be surprised how many times water Arceus will be the attack you use (Donphan, Umbreon, Scizor etc)

-1 Grass
-4 Plus Power
-1 Twins
-2 Black Belt
-1 Fire
-1 Lightning

+3 Pont
+2 Pokemon Rescue
+2 Seeker
+3 Rainbow Energy

Hey I hope this helps some.
-1 Ripple Swell
-1 Unown Q
-1 Twins
-2 Black Belt
-4 Plus Power
-2 Fighting Energy
-1 Grass Energy
-1 Dark Energy

+2 Omni LvX
+4 Rainbow Energy
+2 Volkner's
+1 Warp Point

x3 Ripple Swell will sometimes give you bad starts. With x4 Beginning Door, x4 Collector, x1 Lux Ball, searching it out should be easy. You can Lvx Omni ripple swell, so even on your bench you can use it.
Arceus needs consistent flow, twins and blackbelt will be dead draws early that can kill your game. PONT and Volkner's can help you draw into Ult Zone, more Arceus before you are losing.
If you can warp point often, x5 LvX is huge. They add +30-50HP to each arceus, reduce the ** retreats to * and provide many more options for hitting weakness. Since they can be played on all Arceus, they aren't often bad draws.
Rainbow far exceeds lesser energy. Place it on a benched arceus and move it up. Combined with Omni LvX, it gives Arceus all the options you'll need to hit weakness as hard as your need. With expert belt + Omni LvX + Rainbow, you can OHKO an 80hp on type advantage with Leaf Refresh, then use the same energy to hit as needed next turn.

This isnt the Arceus I run, but I'm trying to work with what you have listed.