Pokemon: 11
The Strategy of this deck is to hopefully start off with Seismitoad EX and a way to get a DCE, while also getting Slurpuffs out with Ultra ball and at the same time reducing your hand and discarding Swamperts to have Archie's Ace in the Hole in your hand and being able to use it. Once you're set up, slowing your opponent down with Seismitoad while doing more damage with Muscle Band and Hypnotoxic Laser/Virbank, you can use Diving Search for a card you need, then get it right away with Tasting. Swampert can also be an attacker if you run into a pyroar, and can attach 2 energy so you could attach DCE and a water then attack.
1 N because it doesn't help with reducing your hand.
4 Ultra ball to reduce hand faster
Xerosic for team flare tools, spirit links, and special energies.
Trump card for getting Lasers back (Hopefully have a Swampert out by now)
Dive ball for Seismitoads and Swamperts that you can discard if you have something that can discard.
Also Maintenance helps reducing.
Should I also add super scoop up or AZ?
Thanks for reading and/or replying!
Sorry if strategy is confusing or something like that, I struggle with explaining and might have not covered everything.
4 Seismitoad EX
2 Swampert (PCL 36)
2 Swirlix (PHF 68)
2 Slurpuff (PHF 69)
1 Jirachi EX
1 Computer Search
1 Enhanced Hammer
1 Dive Ball
4 VS Seeker
2 Head Ringer
4 Ultra Ball
2 Float Stone
4 Hypnotoxic Laser
3 Muscle Band
2 Battle Compressor
2 Skyla
1 N
2 Lysandre
3 Juniper
2 Archie's Ace in the Hole
1 Teammates
1 Lysandre's Trump Card
1 Xerosic
4 Virbank City Gym
4 Water Energy
The Strategy of this deck is to hopefully start off with Seismitoad EX and a way to get a DCE, while also getting Slurpuffs out with Ultra ball and at the same time reducing your hand and discarding Swamperts to have Archie's Ace in the Hole in your hand and being able to use it. Once you're set up, slowing your opponent down with Seismitoad while doing more damage with Muscle Band and Hypnotoxic Laser/Virbank, you can use Diving Search for a card you need, then get it right away with Tasting. Swampert can also be an attacker if you run into a pyroar, and can attach 2 energy so you could attach DCE and a water then attack.
1 N because it doesn't help with reducing your hand.
4 Ultra ball to reduce hand faster
Xerosic for team flare tools, spirit links, and special energies.
Trump card for getting Lasers back (Hopefully have a Swampert out by now)
Dive ball for Seismitoads and Swamperts that you can discard if you have something that can discard.
Also Maintenance helps reducing.
Should I also add super scoop up or AZ?
Thanks for reading and/or replying!
Sorry if strategy is confusing or something like that, I struggle with explaining and might have not covered everything.