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Arctic Hand (Articuno EX / Dusknoir / Umbreon)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 2 Eevee (PLF 90)
    2 Duskull (FLF 40)
    2 Dusknoir (BCR 63)
    1 Dusclops (BCR 62)
    2 Articuno-EX (PLS 25)
    3 Duskull (BCR 61)
    2 Umbreon (PLF 64)

  • 1 Dowsing Machine
    1 Lysandre
    1 Training Center
    2 Silent Lab
    4 Colress Machine
    2 Max Potion
    4 N
    1 Escape rope
    3 Colress
    2 VS Seeker
    4 Professor Juniper
    1 Switch
    2 Team Plasma Badge
    3 Rare Candy
    4 Ultra Ball

  • 7 Water Energy
    4 Plasma Energy


So what this deck is supposed to do is paralyze the opponent then move the damage counters onto the benched Pokémon in order to kill them off one by one while the defending Pokémon is paralyzed. It also allows to heal up to 200 damage from Articuno if any comes onto it, because of Umbreons ability to increase plasma Pokémon's health by 20, if there are 2 Umbreons on the bench and training center on the field and the second Dusknoir has a plasma badge on, then I can move the damage counters and heal off any damage on Articuno. Also Glaceon reduces retreat for my plasma Pokémon in play by 2, and that could be all of them if the pair of Dusknoir have plasma badges on.

This all sounds really great but there is one huge problem that I have, and I can't figure it out by my self. It's that I can't get my energies and Articuno up at the same time on the first turn, for what should be happening is that at least 2 Colress machines should show up on the first turn within one of the hands I draw, and at least 1 water energy should show up and then on the second turn another water energy should show and I can freeze my opponent to death. BUT and it's a big but (no pun intended) this has only happened about 1 out of 5 battles (I used this deck for 10 battles using TCGone.com) So could some one please help me figure out how to make this deck more consistent?
RE: Arctic hand (Articuno/Dusknoir/Umbreon)

I like the deck Idea. You need more than 4 water energy in order for this deck to work. You have only 8 total energy and your Articuno EX uses 4 energy alone. You could drop 2 eevee and the 2 glaceon for 4 more water energy. And you could drop a colress machine for a switch or escape rope. Articuno EX has only a one retreat cost. And you could drop a max potion for another switch or escape rope. Ideally if you can get the lock down your articuno EX's wont even get attacked.
RE: Arctic Hand (Articuno / Dusknoir / Umbreon)

Ok thanks, but are you really sure about the dropping a Colress machine? because during the 2 wins I had using this set up, I always got 2 Colress machines some where inside the first hand or the second hand from playing a supporter.
RE: Arctic Hand (Articuno / Dusknoir / Umbreon)

I would but that is up to you. You probably wont be able to use all 4 and sometimes not even be able to use 3 of them.
RE: Arctic Hand (Articuno / Dusknoir / Umbreon)

Man the advice was great! I've just done another 5 battles with this new set up and it's working much better, I lost 1 out of 5 and that 1 was to a weird eve deck mainly due to supporter fail, the other 3 battles were against Pyroar/Charizard decks and the remaining battle was an expanded Bunnelby deck in which my opponent fled, I did very well against Pyroar, mainly due to the fact that my strategy was superior. But 3 battles against almost exactly similar decks does not give a good over view. Though I would say the deck is doing much better, it's still not perfect.