Are Lv X cards rare? xD


aka Bawkachu
I hate to ask this ( cause i'm sure you get it a lot ) but are these cards rare?

So far i've pulled three Lv X cards, one misprint Empoleon, corrected Empoleon and Torterra ... everytime I buy boosters of cards. I usually buy in large quantities ( over 30 dollars worth xD ), of the three booster pack blisters and I -always- get really good cards from them, everytime.
Of course it's rare, I only got 1 (Torterra lv.x) out of 11 packs.
Psychic Pokemon Master said:
kravenace said:
Misprint? Misprint by how?

I think the misprint he's talking about is the Empoleon LV X's poke-power...

A misprint? You mean the Poke-Power is a Poke-Body? I don't think that's a misprint.
I was trying to get a Lv.X for two EX. Would that be fair? Then some one offered a * and an EX. Wow, he really wanted it!