Discussion Are megas not returning?


Make Metagross-GX Great!
As we slowly creep closer to the release of sun and moon, and new info keeps coming out we have yet to see any indication of mega evolution in the new game. Im not one to hate on megas, but I didnt really like how broken some were compared to others cough*mega kang cough*

Considering around this time when oras was set to come out we had already had indication of the new megas that would be introduced, as well as the release gift came with a mega evo stone. This time around we get snorlax with a Z crystal just made for him, and we also saw raichu with his own Z crystal. This is leading me to believe that pokemon company is opting to move away from megas and closer to Z moves. The Z move mechanic gives a sort of mega like attack without making it permanent for the rest of the match. Now I look at things from a competitive aspect, and see that megas were wayyyy too op for the meta, and really killed the competitive scene. Now I know I sound like a spoiled brat, but im not gonna lie I used mega kang sometimes too, but I actually preferred mega metagross for personal reasons. Thats besides the point, do you guys think that pokemon company is starting to care for the competitive scene and not introducing megas based on that, instead using Z moves as an alternative. OR do you think that megas will come back, and we just have yet to see them

let me know, because I just wanna see other peoples opinions on this. Also sorry about wall of text ;)
I think it's probably likely Megas probably will come back in some form (surely it wouldn't make sense to give Pokemon cool new powered up new forms and remove them one gen later... would it?), although I can see them being just in the game and not playing as much of a role in the storyline like they did previously, and not adding new Megas and rather focusing on Z moves (and Alolan forms to an extent).
They're definitely NOT removing megas, but they're most likely not giving out any new ones this generation. I don't see them removing them entirely since I don't think GF have ever removed an entire battle mechanic, but will probably restrict them to post game where we just get them all at our own convenience. It's possible thy will bring back megas later on, but it seems the new focus is on Z-moves, so it'll probably be taking the spotlight for now.
They're definitely NOT removing megas, but they're most likely not giving out any new ones this generation. I don't see them removing them entirely since I don't think GF have ever removed an entire battle mechanic,

That's because every battle mechanic prior to Mega Evolution actually contributed positively to the game. #shotsfired #hopemegaevolutionhasburnheal

Also there was... rotation battles? Did those come back? Aerial battles might not come back. Basically all the gimmicky features that get old or only benefit a cherry-picked minority of Pokemon, just like Mega Evolution.

(In seriousness, I won't mind mega evolution staying, only if Mawile, Manectric, and Medicham's megas become real, actual pokemon. And maybe a few others, like Banette and Altaria)
Also there was... rotation battles? Did those come back? Aerial battles might not come back. Basically all the gimmicky features that get old or only benefit a cherry-picked minority of Pokemon, just like Mega Evolution.
Rotation battles can still be found in gen 6 (some of the restaurants in XY, and a trainer in ORAS). Aerial battles are a toss up since they didn't even show up in ORAS, but they can't be compared to Mega Evolution since they're vastly different. Calling Aerial battles a battle mechanic is still a bit of a stretch as its more of a rule set than mechanic like weather and Mega Evolution.
Agreed with others. I don't think they'll remove mega system, though I think there won't be any new ones. They probably focusing more on Z-moves now, same as how they did on megas in the 6th gen.
I still think they might be new one and not removed, probably a very limited number. They might just made it only obtainable after post game just for a surprise factor
I hope they bring back Megas. Then again, I also want them to bring back Secret Bases... and the Underground... and walking Pokémon... and the PWT... and Contests...
Game Freak is not above dropping features to make games have a unique flair to them. Remember the type gems in Unova? The ones that made Thundurus overpowered? Poof.

So while Megas do have a part in the competitive field, they were also looked down upon and most of the time had some sort of broken feeling to them. They were the extreme easy mode of an already easy game. All you had to do was pop one Mega and you'd win most of the time. That's not balance. So while they could have Megas in S/M, it'd also not be a huge loss if they stayed a Gen 6 thing. If anything, the Z-Moves are far more balanced versions of Megas since you can only use them once per battle and not for an entire battle like Megas.
Megas are a completely different feature from type gems, megas have merchandise based solely upon them, they are arguably a larger part of the game than type gems ever were. I get what you're saying, but I feel that the analogy is a bit weak.
Game Freak is not above dropping features to make games have a unique flair to them. Remember the type gems in Unova? The ones that made Thundurus overpowered? Poof.
Weren't the type gems just hold items though? That's pretty far from an entire mechanic.
Yeah, there really is no precedence for them dropping Megas in the game. Sure, they have dropped some features from time to time, but the things that they cut tend to be sidequests, region specific gameplay features, and other assorted extras. They've never gone as far as dropping entire battle mechanics or core gameplay mechanics. Not saying it couldn't happen, but it'd be a much bigger loss than anything they've ever removed.
Megas are a completely different feature from type gems, megas have merchandise based solely upon them, they are arguably a larger part of the game than type gems ever were. I get what you're saying, but I feel that the analogy is a bit weak.

It was the best I could come up with in the short amount of time I had to write it.

But yeah, Megas have become a big mechanic to these games, but not necessarily a good mechanic. XY literally hands you two Mega Pokemon for free early on and the rest of the game is cakewalk even if you only use the Lucario or Kanto starter. Megas make the game too easy and offset competitive areas. How many of us have had the advantage in a battle until a Mega came out that was just completely overpowered? Z-Moves seem to me as Game Freak's attempt at fixing this by giving us a more limited version of what a Mega Evolution is.
I have a pretty strong feeling megas will be dropped, as they were a thing for gen 6, as the story connected with them (XY with the ultimate weapon, ORAS with mega ray). This gen has a different direction. you can't see any keystone on the player, bar it just being on the Z-bracelet. I really think they'll be removed, just cause they went a bit too far with some (Ray, mence, kang, gengar, lucario... to name a few. If you can't tell, I'm more of a VGC player than TCG). Who knows, maybe some megas will return, but as pure evolutions, or maybe they go mega after they use their z-move? only time will tell..
I feel as though Mega's won't be dropped but they won't have anything to do with the plot.

Personally i feel like they'll only be accessed in post game.
In the new trailer, when Dexio and Sina give the player the Zygarde Cube, they're shown with Mega Bracelets on. Surely they wouldn't have those on for no real reason.... would they? (although tbh I wouldn't put it past GF to do that)

I'm sensing that there'll be a moment ingame where they give you a Key Stone and tell you the ins-and-outs of mega evolution, maybe giving you a Mega Stone as well?
In the new trailer, when Dexio and Sina give the player the Zygarde Cube, they're shown with Mega Bracelets on. Surely they wouldn't have those on for no real reason.... would they? (although tbh I wouldn't put it past GF to do that)

I'm sensing that there'll be a moment ingame where they give you a Key Stone and tell you the ins-and-outs of mega evolution, maybe giving you a Mega Stone as well?

Well, it makes sense for them to have Mega Bracelets since they're from Kalos, where Mega Evolution is huge. As P3DS mentioned, Kalos and ORAS was centered around this Mega Evolution mechanic in one way or another, Alola isn't. Alola is more centered around the Alolan Forms.
As mega have a high amount of relevence in the card game and VGC and its a big part in both team building and strategy they will not remove it as a mechanic as that has never happended b4 and would not make sense at all. Its very likely however do to the lack of info we have been given that megas place in the game will be purely game play and post story side quest to obtain them, and instead we will see a higher focus on Z moves( This Mechanic is kinda lame sorry) which may or may not be integral to the story as well
Well, it makes sense for them to have Mega Bracelets since they're from Kalos, where Mega Evolution is huge. As P3DS mentioned, Kalos and ORAS was centered around this Mega Evolution mechanic in one way or another, Alola isn't. Alola is more centered around the Alolan Forms.

Yeah but surely they wouldn't have them unless they actually had some noteworthy use?
I mean at the very least I'm sure they'll say something about the bracelets being used for Mega Evolution with a basic description of what it is.

And how does Alola/the Sun/Moon storyline not being centered around Mega Evolution any indicator that it won't be in the games?
Yeah but surely they wouldn't have them unless they actually had some noteworthy use?
I mean at the very least I'm sure they'll say something about the bracelets being used for Mega Evolution with a basic description of what it is.

And how does Alola/the Sun/Moon storyline not being centered around Mega Evolution any indicator that it won't be in the games?

Well, think of it this way. The two games that did have Mega Evolution had some plot around the mechanic. XY was all about discovering it for the Professor and in ORAS it was about Mega Rayquaza. It's just a theory, but we also haven't seen any info about it yet, which is strange. Usually by now we'd of seen some sort of indication or foreshadow. Instead we get a Ring and Crystal for Z-Moves that mimics the mechanic of Mega Evolution to a more limited and balanced degree.

Plus with the lack of Gyms, is there really any need for Mega Evolution? We don't even know if there's an Elite Four or Battle Frontier/Maison. You could say the Kahunas are the E4, but we fight them after each set of Captains. Sun/Moon feel a lot more story driven like the console and spinoff Pokemon games were.