I plan to buy single not pre-plat packs, btw.qnetykz said:the announcement of what will be rotated is made about a month or so before worlds...the actual rotation happens when the new season begins, which is technically Sept. 1st
NeoGuilt said:I plan to buy single not pre-plat packs, btw.
I just want to have a clear understanding before I start buying some singles.
Pre-Platinum cards are still usable/good until next year, September 1, after worlds and then the roatation happens where nobody as of now, knows what will be rotated. If this is correct just acknowledge it and that would answer my questions =).
nardd said:yes, that is true.
The Power of Three said:hmm, let's think:
-Uxie Lv. X
-Azelf Lv. X
-Mesprit Lv. X
-Machamp Lv. X
-Darkrai Lv. X
-Dark Palm Dusknoir.
I think that sums it all up.
The Power of Three said:hmm, let's think:
-Uxie Lv. X
-Azelf Lv. X
-Mesprit Lv. X
-Machamp Lv. X
-Darkrai Lv. X
-Dark Palm Dusknoir.
I think that sums it all up.
The Power of Three said:hmm, let's think:
-Uxie Lv. X
-Azelf Lv. X
-Mesprit Lv. X
-Machamp Lv. X
-Darkrai Lv. X
-Dark Palm Dusknoir.
I think that sums it all up.