Are We at the High Water Mark for SP Decks?


Aspiring Trainer
I don't spend very much time looking at upcoming Japanese sets until right before the local pre-release but I did notice that of all the AoA level X's none are SPs. I don't know a thing about the set after AoA, are there any SP or SP level X's expected in that set or are we at the beginning of the end?
As far as i know, the set after AoA is the HG/SS set and there have been no SP pokemon revealed in that set and also they have gotten rid of lvX's in HG/SS and put in "Great Pokemon" which are just a more powerful version of a Stage 1 or Stage 2 pokemon. As well as introducing something called "Legend" cards (IIRC)
Well they wont be producing any more but the sets will probably be around for this season and next most likely and should still see play.
Have you ever guessed that they might make another team rocket set HMMMMMM just a thought and everything will be rocket not galactic
They might do anything. I just think that they would rather come up with some new concept after the great and legend.
I can guarantee there will be a set based around Team Rocket, now whether they will employ the SP mechanic for Team Rocket pokemon, I can't say if they will or won't, I don't know...but honestly, I'm kind of happy to see the cheap SP mechanic to hit the road
I know the SPs are sticking around, so of course they'll see play, but I do think this is the general peak of them. Nationals/Worlds probably had the most but don't think they'll be leaving for good.

dmaster out.
Dances with Ninjas said:
Take a look at the HG/SS cards again.

here, here...I can't agree more

Pokemon within itself has always been original...especially considering it is the 2nd oldest TCG in the states...there has only been on game, that I know of, that could even be considered similar, and that was the Inuyasha TCG by Score

now as far as originality goes within the game itself...originality, not so much...they have been rehashing attacks and abilities since the games inception, there have been some new stuff seen here and there, but there is always something in the sets that has been seen before in previous sets...whether just recently, or something from way back

when I first heard about the SP mechanic, I thought that was a real breath of fresh air from the evos and from the grrbage they had back during the WOTC Gym was when they gave the SP's cards that were really not exactly "fair" that made them if they had given us cards that worked for non-SP's only, then they wouldn't have been so cheap, because there would have been balance

I'm not gonna say that the SP mechanic will remain for the HGSS blocks, but I will say this...I wouldn't be surprised at all if they dropped them, after all, it wasn't much to them drop the Lv. X mechanic...which IMO has been one of the best mechanics they've ever had in the game