Ariados/ Steel Shelter


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Hey guys. So I had this idea for a fun little play. As the title suggests, it involves Ariados' Poison Nest Ability and the Stadium card Steel Shelter. Steel Shelter prevents all Metal type Pokemon from being affected by Special conditions.

Imagine if you will, a Metal type in your active spot and Ariados on your Bench, with Steel Shelter as the stage. You use Poison Nest to poison both Active Pokemon. However, Steel Shelter prevents your Metal type from being affected.

It's not exactly a praise worthy play and I'm sure there are better plays, but I just thought it would be fun alongside stuff like Aegislash or Scizor. And if you were to pair it with Ninetales' Barrier Shrine, you could prevent any other Stadiums from being played as long as you time it right.

I don't know. What do you guys think?
Moved from the TCG Help & Advice to the TCG Competitive Play as the OP is looking for advice on a general strategic concept which has discussion value worthy for the Competitive Play forums.
Smart. Just not sure where the deck space is for the pokemon. But if you ran it with dialga you could max at 180 with poison and muscle damage.