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Arithmetic at its Best (Virizion EX / Genesect EX / Deoxys EX)

Fish Ninja

Aspiring Trainer
Hello everyone, I have a City Marathon coming up quite quickly, and have been trying to decide what to play. I was locked in on Aromatisse / Manectric EX, but just found out that the events are best of 3 instead of a single game (which they usually are). After timing some of my matches yesterday, a few of them ended in draws, due to time and the slower nature of Aromatisse. I strongly dislike draws, and thought I'd begin testing a faster, more consistent deck, to try to avoid them to the best of my abilities--Virgen is the primary deck that came to mind:

I am having difficulty deciding between 1x Jirachi EX OR 1x Mr. Mime (PLF) as both of them are great in their own way. Mr. Mime allows me to not get pummeled by the likes of Genesect EX, Kyurem (PLF and LTR), Landorus EX, Darkrai EX, Tevenant (FLF), and Manectric EX. Jirachi EX is a searchable supporter if need be via Ultra Ball and can search for the needed Skyla or Shadow Triad to grab the G Booster / Plasma Energy. I don't wish to play both, as I'd like to keep the pokemon count below 10, to raise my chance of starting Virizion EX.

Please vote in the comments below--in addition to any other comments, suggestions, and/or concerns--for which of the two Jirachi EX OR Mr. Mime (PLF) that you think is better for the list, and why you chose it.

Votes to Date:
Jirachi EX: 1
Mr. Mime (PLF): 0

Pokemon: (9)
  • 1x Deoxys EX
  • 3x Genesect EX
  • 1x Jirachi EX OR 1x Mr. Mime (PLF)
  • 4x Virizion EX
Items/Supporters/Stadiums: (37)
  • 3x Energy Switch
  • 2x Enhanced Hammer
  • 2x Escape Rope
  • 1x G Booster
  • 3x Muscle Band
  • 1x Professor's Letter
  • 2x Surprise Megaphone
  • 2x Switch
  • 3x Ultra Ball
  • 3x VS Seeker

  • 1x Colress
  • 1x Lysandre
  • 4x N
  • 4x Professor Sycamore
  • 2x Shadow Triad
  • 3x Skyla
Energy: (14)
  • 10x Grass Energy
  • 4x Plasma Energy


Virgen has a quite simple strategy, the goal is to begin Virizion E and begin Emerald Slashing on your second turn, thus setting up the Genesect EXs on the bench. Then you can Attach a Plasma Energy and Red Signal up an opposing threat and KO it with Megalo Cannon or G Booster. This deck may as well be named arithmetic. It is a magical deck that can hit those nice numbers in one or two hits. For instance, Deoxys EX is a great card in the list as it allows your Megalo Cannon to hit for 130 when paired with a Muscle Band, allowing a OHKO on a Donphan, while also setting up another Donphan for a KO regardless of Muscle Band. Also, if you Emerald Slash an opponent's Pokemon EX, then follow up with a Megalo Cannon the following turn, having a Muscle Band attached to either Pokemon, then you are able to KO it if it has 170 HP--even 180 HP if you have a Deoxys EX on the bench. G Booster has great math too, it cleanly KO's any non-mega Pokemon EX, even with a Hard Charm attached (which is gaining some popularity in Yveltal Variants). Additionally, G Booster can OHKO a M Manectric EX with a Deoxys on the bench as it would be doing 210. Both M Gengar and M Kangaskhan have 230 HP or less, so if you can Megalo Cannon 20 on to either early on, then G Booster can KO them as well. It is easily said (in Yoda's voice) "The math is strong with this one."

Thanks for your time, I'm looking forward to hearing from each of you!!
I suggest Jirachi because it can help you get out of bad situations and bad draws. I've tested VirGen, and bad draws are really hard for this deck. Also, I would suggest running 2 Mountain Ring instead of Mr. Mime for a counter stadium for 1 Grass Energy and an Escape Rope.
NintendoAlian said:
I suggest Jirachi because it can help you get out of bad situations and bad draws. I've tested VirGen, and bad draws are really hard for this deck. Also, I would suggest running 2 Mountain Ring instead of Mr. Mime for a counter stadium for 1 Grass Energy and an Escape Rope.

Thanks for the input! I'll add it to the tally. I don't particularly care for Mountain Ring, as it blocks my Megalo Cannon's 20 damage to my opponent's bench. Not to mention, running 2 of them to the 3-4 Virbank / Fighting Stadium / Frozen City makes it more fragile than Mr. Mime--and takes up an extra slot.

That is the primary reason that I like Jirachi EX, being able to Ultra Ball into whatever supporter is vital, or into one in general, can be game-breaking. I just hate the chance of opening it as the only Pokemon in my opening hand.
Fish Ninja said:
NintendoAlian said:
I suggest Jirachi because it can help you get out of bad situations and bad draws. I've tested VirGen, and bad draws are really hard for this deck. Also, I would suggest running 2 Mountain Ring instead of Mr. Mime for a counter stadium for 1 Grass Energy and an Escape Rope.

Thanks for the input! I'll add it to the tally. I don't particularly care for Mountain Ring, as it blocks my Megalo Cannon's 20 damage to my opponent's bench. Not to mention, running 2 of them to the 3-4 Virbank / Fighting Stadium / Frozen City makes it more fragile than Mr. Mime--and takes up an extra slot.

That is the primary reason that I like Jirachi EX, being able to Ultra Ball into whatever supporter is vital, or into one in general, can be game-breaking. I just hate the chance of opening it as the only Pokemon in my opening hand.

I agree that the Mountain Ring isn't as bad as I though. I forgot about the 20 damage from Megalo Cannon. Plasma Frigate may work better with Genesect against Charizard decks.
Hi Fish Ninja,

Consider these modifications:

- 1 Shadow Triad (one should be sufficient)
- 1 Energy Switch (three of them suffice in this deck)
- 1 Startling Megaphone (one should do here)
- 1 Escape Rope (two switch cards suffice)
- 1 Switch (two switch cards suffice)

+ 1 Lysandre (incredible in VirGen with Seeker)
+ 2 Mountain Ring / Plasma Frigade (need a counter stadium)
+ 1 Tool Retriever (discard Pokémon Tool F)
+ 1 Vs Seeker (one of the best cards)

Since Mountain Ring is in essence a stadium version of Mr. Mime I would rule him out because the deck does need a counter stadium and can do without the bench snipe. Another option would be Plasma Frigade. No matter which one you choose you want 2-3 stadiums in this deck to counter Fighting Stadium and Valley.

Never liked Jirachi Ex much since he is an easy last prize with two Lysandre and two to three Vs Seekers in most decks. For these reasons I would also exclude him from the list and include a third counter stadium instead. Hope this provides some initial assistance.
Dark Espeon said:
Hi Fish Ninja,

Consider these modifications:

- 1 Shadow Triad (one should be sufficient)
- 1 Energy Switch (three of them suffice in this deck)
- 1 Startling Megaphone (one should do here)
- 1 Escape Rope (two switch cards suffice)
- 1 Switch (two switch cards suffice)

+ 1 Lysandre (incredible in VirGen with Seeker)
+ 2 Mountain Ring / Plasma Frigade (need a counter stadium)
+ 1 Tool Retriever (discard Pokémon Tool F)
+ 1 Vs Seeker (one of the best cards)

Since Mountain Ring is in essence a stadium version of Mr. Mime I would rule him out because the deck does need a counter stadium and can do without the bench snipe. Another option would be Plasma Frigade. No matter which one you choose you want 2-3 stadiums in this deck to counter Fighting Stadium and Valley.

Never liked Jirachi Ex much since he is an easy last prize with two Lysandre and two to three Vs Seekers in most decks. For these reasons I would also exclude him from the list and include a third counter stadium instead. Hope this provides some initial assistance.

Hey, thanks for posting! I'm still not sure how I feel about Mountain Ring, as they can just replace it with a Virbank (or another stadium) and continue on sniping my bench. With Mr. Mime, they'd have to Garbodor or Lysandre to remove the effect, requiring them to waste a supporter and attack, or have garbodor in their list and set up, in which I could Surprise Megaphone / Lysandre (updated my list). I will disagree about the bench damage from this deck not being important. It helps set up vital KO numbers without having to Red Signal twice for the same KO--especially if the damage stacked up from two or more hits.