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AromaKahn (Aromatisse / M Kangaskhan EX)


I am Neos. Who are you?

  • 3 Kangaskahn EX
    3 M Kangaskahn EX
    2 Aromatisse
    2 Spritzee
    2 Xerneas
    2 Victini
    1 Xerneas EX
    1 Mewtwo EX
    1 Yveltal EX
    1 Sigilyph

  • 3 Juniper
    3 N
    3 Colress
    3 Skyla
    2 Lysandre
    1 Pokemon Fan Club

    4 Super Potion
    3 Ultra Ball
    3 Fairy Garden
    3 Muscle Band
    2 Startling Mega Phone

  • 7 Fairy
    4 Rainbow Energy
    1 DCE

Get that Mega Kanghaskahn out there. Use Xerneas to energy accelerate fairy energies. Abuse the crap out pf Max Potions on Mega Kangaskhan and heal everything on it. An just hit with Wam Bam Punch and just use Victini to flip more. And just OHKO all the time. Of course you need luck to hit the OHKO. Without Muscle Band you need 3 Heads. With Muscle Band you need 2 Heads to hit the magic number of 180. Of course hopefully this deck can be worth $100 or less. I know this has a horrible match up against Landorus/Lucario and Pyroar but we do have some counters to it. Beartic for Pyroar and Xerneas EX, and Mewtwo EX. Suicune to stall as well.
RE: AromaKahn

Cuack Cuack said:
doesnt victini uses fire energy to attack?

According to his strategy, Victini is just for its ability to re-flip.

OP: I think you may have a few too many different pokemon going on in your deck. You might be spreading yourself thin and may run into having the wrong card at the wrong time far too often.
RE: AromaKahn (Aromatisse / Kangaskhan

You won't have a hard time against Pyroar, Mega Kangaskhan hits Pyroar since it isn't basic and OHKOs it with Muscle Band without any flips.

You don't need that Xerneas EX or the Beartic Line, you could just remove those and pump the Kangaskhan line up to 4-4.

That leave you with one space, which can be filled with another Mewtwo EX, Yveltal EX or maybe a Darkrai EX (which would make you swap 4 Fairy Energy for Rainbow).

Also, I noticed you don't run any stadium. Fairy Garden is a must for Aromatisse decks, specially if you need to bring Suicune upfront to buy you some time.

Speaking of Suicune, I like Sigilyph better. If you run those Rainbows, Sigilyph hits Mewtwo so hard without taking any damage.
RE: AromaKahn (Aromatisse / Kangaskhan

Neos said:
Oh. Any advice on what to cut?

You could probably cut the Cubcoo/Beartic line. Aromatisse does 60 damage for 3 energy. Assuming that Pyroar doesn't become active fully energized, you'll be able to move Aromatisse to the active position and fairy transfer enough energy to it to attack twice for 120 damage to KO Pyroar before it can attack you. Also, if you did get you M Kang up and running as per your strategy, you'll be able to attack Pyroar.

I also assume that Slurpuff is only for its ability? With max potions you don't really need to worry too much about special conditions, because you'll be clearing them. So probably could get rid of Swirlix/Slurpuff, opening up a total of 6 cards for some more supporters.

-2 Cubchoo
-2 Beartic
-1 Swirlix
-1 Slurpuff

+1 Juniper
+1 Skyla
+2 Lysandre
+2 Ultra Ball
RE: AromaKahn

Jeremy1026 said:
Cuack Cuack said:
doesnt victini uses fire energy to attack?

According to his strategy, Victini is just for its ability to re-flip.

OP: I think you may have a few too many different pokemon going on in your deck. You might be spreading yourself thin and may run into having the wrong card at the wrong time far too often.

oohh yeah i forgot it lool thanks :D
RE: AromaKahn (Aromatisse / Kangaskhan

Okay I have changed the deck up. Any advice on it?
RE: AromaKahn (Aromatisse / Kangaskhan

Your list reads Super Potion instead of Max Potion. Apart from that. sounds good. You should playtest it to see if it lacks Draw Power or if it is taking too long / being too hard to get your main strategy going.
RE: AromaKahn (Aromatisse / Kangaskhan

As you can see, its a budget, so thats why you see Super Potion xD I dont really have that much money to spend on this game. Mega Kangaskahn actually goes for a ton. Priced at $15,and then Kangaskahn EX is $6 so this deck is just a maybe. I might just go all out fairys or something a bit cheaper.
RE: AromaKahn (Aromatisse / Kangaskhan)

Oh, sorry... I thought at first it was really super potion due to the Budget thing but I saw people talking about Max Potion and asumed Super was a typo...

In that case, you better look into another ways to build this, because Super Potion doesn't really cut it for a 230HP pokemon.

And yes, I know how Max Potions can be a burden.. I am assembling and Energy-less deck and those Max Potions are eluding my wallet.
RE: AromaKahn (Aromatisse / Kangaskhan)

I am going to run Super Potion for now. I only have $100 to spend on this deck, and really, you can't build any top decks with that money. I want to build what you built the "Rainbow Stags" deck because it ran really well. I might not have a super good supporter line. A lot of budget cuts, because I really want this deck to work, because this deck counters Pyroar really easily, unlike the other Fairy deck. If I can't make this deck work than Greninja/Miltank will be the deck I will most likely build. Are there any decks that go below $100 and includes Aromatisse?
hehehe Rainbow Stags was a rough draft of what Aromatisse is all about...
However, you can check out a Pokemon Toolbox deck that run Semi-Finalist in the Worlds Master and cut some expensive cards from it.
Click here and check Michikazu Tsuda's list for Pokemon-EX Toolbox.
Might be a good place to start.

Also, try testing it against the new Fighting decks arising with Furious Fist... Kangaskhan might be OHKO rather easily against them, so it might not be a good go for this season.
I don't think ill mske toolbox, because all the cards in it are expensive, and if I cut the cards, the deck wont function very well. I actually really liked Rainbow Stags as well. So I am going to make a full on fairy deck. :)