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Aromatechs (States)


I love being bad
Experience: Veteran

  • 1 Keldeo ex (rush in, tech for the fire guys when they come out, parts of rayboar)
  • 1 Rayquaza (Rayboar, BKEX)
  • 2 Xerneas (energy acceleration)
  • 1 Xerneas ex (spread attacker)
  • 1 Victini ex (virgen, energy acceleration)
  • 2 Spritzee
  • 2 Aromatisse (ability: shift fairies)
  • 2 Yveltal ex (OOPH)
  • 1 Cobalion ex (Plasma/ Fairies)
  • 1 Mr. Mime (bench barrier)
  • 1 Zekrom (yveltal tech)
  • 1 Sigiliph (wall)
  • 1 Terrakion (darkrai, thundurus tech)
  • 1 Eevee
  • 1 Leafeon (For those powered keldeos

  • 4 Professor Juniper (draw)
  • 4 N (draw)
  • 1 Level ball (search)
  • 3 Muscle band (power)
  • 3 Ultra ball (search)
  • 1 Energy Retrieval (lets me discard fairies more easily, and I didn't like rainbows)
  • 2 Tool scrapper (garb, stuff like g booster/ victory piece)
  • 2 Skyla (search)
  • 1 Colress (draw)
  • 1 Dowsing machine (great for 2nd, 3rds, 4ths, and 5ths of things)
  • 1 Super rod (grab back energy and pokemon)
  • 1 Max Potion (Yeah, I know, only one. I felt that these just haven't been good for me...)
  • 2 Pokemon Catcher (catcher, gotta have right?)
  • 3 Fairy Garden (retreat)
  • 1 Town Map
  • 4 Prism Energy
  • 2 Rainbow Energy
  • 5 Fairy Energy

Strategy So what you try to do is grab the tech you have against certain decks and hit for weakness. This is enhanced by Aromatisse's ability, which lets you move fairy energy (which can be special, hence all the specials). I did explain a fair amount above though, so take a look. ALL ADVICE IS APPRECIATED. GRAHHH TRYING TO MAKE LIST PLEASE HELP

So close! Next time, try using the "/" in the list tags, like this: [/list]

And when you want the Bulletin Points to appear, use these before each point you want a bulletin in between the list tags!: [*]

Edited with these changes! :D ~Kecleon

You have too many different 1 of attackers. Try to find out what decks are popular in your area and just use cards that counter those decks. Besides, having one attacker for a matchup won't really improve that matchup, and what if it gets prized?

MaD_DoG said:
You have too many different 1 of attackers. Try to find out what decks are popular in your area and just use cards that counter those decks. Besides, having one attacker for a matchup won't really improve that matchup, and what if it gets prized?

What else do you suggest? This isn't really advice... What do you suggest I actually do? Add more? Less? I can never tell what is in my area....

I just played states with this sort of deck. I did pretty well. 7th, would have got like 4th or better if my last match didnt go to time. But i find that this deck is really slow. Also BKE is your worst enemy. OHKO is just super scary. I feel like 2 Rayquaza is a good number, so you can have up to 4 in a battle with a super rod. Though you still need 2 prism/rainbow per so i guess not. Maybe just 1 is okay. Since super rod allows for up to 3 with dowsing machine.

I suggest no skyla. Idk if its my luck. But i kept having times when i draw dead. Skyla doesnt super help for most match ups either. Its probably better to just run N/Shauna/Juniper as your supporters. I do have 1 of Skyla in my deck and 1 of Bianca, just because they are FA swag.

I feel like you have too much energy. By like a lot. My deck ran 11 energy total and it was pretty good. I dont suggest DCE since you dont even have mewtwo. For turn 2 knock outs. I found that 6 Rainbow/Prism was a nice solid amount. 5 Fairy was pretty good, it allowed for 2 Geomancy at least. Though maybe 6-6 is better for a total of 12 energy.

I would say drop Random Receiver. Especially with sklya. having a chance to RR into skyla when you need juniper/N is just terrible.

As for the talk about too many 1 ofs. No there is not such thing for this deck. its all tech imo. Just run Town map. Lets you look at your prizes is great and it is almost required for this deck. I played a game where both aromatisse were prized. Without town map i would have lost.

Terrakion instead Landorus is pretty solid. While it doesnt do spread damage. It does only give 1 prize and hits for 90 damage anyway to knock out Darkrai, which is its real use.

Mr mime is also really solid. It saved me one game. Having it in the deck just incase is so worth it.

Another thing you want is a electric attacker. Yevltal is such a huge part of the metagame atm. So you are sure to see it. A zekrom with outrage worked for me. Though you could even try Raichu or Jolteon.
My deck list:
3 Xerneas XY
2 Xerneas Ex
2-2 Aromatisse XY
1 Tropius PLB
1 Virizion Ex
1 Mr Mime PLF
1 Zekrom LT
1 Terrakion LT
1 Victini Ex
1 Mewtwo Ex
1 Zekrom

4 Professor Juniper
4 N
2 Shauna
1 Bianca
1 Skyla
4 Max Potion
3 Fairy Garden
3 Muscle Band
2 Tool Scrapper
2 Level Ball
2 Ultra Ball
1 Super Rod
1 Town Map
1 Escape Rope
1 Dowsing Machine

5 Fairy Energy
4 Prism Energy
2 Rainbow Energy

Well then again thats just my opinion. I won every match aside from blastoise, so i guess just tech harder against it.

Ivy_Profen said:
I just played states with this sort of deck. I did pretty well. 7th, would have got like 4th or better if my last match didnt go to time. But i find that this deck is really slow. Also BKE is your worst enemy. OHKO is just super scary. I feel like 2 Rayquaza is a good number, so you can have up to 4 in a battle with a super rod. Though you still need 2 prism/rainbow per so i guess not. Maybe just 1 is okay. Since super rod allows for up to 3 with dowsing machine.

I suggest no skyla. Idk if its my luck. But i kept having times when i draw dead. Skyla doesnt super help for most match ups either. Its probably better to just run N/Shauna/Juniper as your supporters. I do have 1 of Skyla in my deck and 1 of Bianca, just because they are FA swag.

I feel like you have too much energy. By like a lot. My deck ran 11 energy total and it was pretty good. I dont suggest DCE since you dont even have mewtwo. For turn 2 knock outs. I found that 6 Rainbow/Prism was a nice solid amount. 5 Fairy was pretty good, it allowed for 2 Geomancy at least. Though maybe 6-6 is better for a total of 12 energy.

I would say drop Random Receiver. Especially with sklya. having a chance to RR into skyla when you need juniper/N is just terrible.

As for the talk about too many 1 ofs. No there is not such thing for this deck. its all tech imo. Just run Town map. Lets you look at your prizes is great and it is almost required for this deck. I played a game where both aromatisse were prized. Without town map i would have lost.

Terrakion instead Landorus is pretty solid. While it doesnt do spread damage. It does only give 1 prize and hits for 90 damage anyway to knock out Darkrai, which is its real use.

Mr mime is also really solid. It saved me one game. Having it in the deck just incase is so worth it.

Another thing you want is a electric attacker. Yevltal is such a huge part of the metagame at. So you are sure to see it. A zekrom with outrage worked for me. Though you could even try Raichu or Jolteon.
My deck list:
3 Xerneas XY
2 Xerneas Ex
2-2 Aromatisse XY
1 Tropius PLB
1 Virizion Ex
1 Mr Mime PLF
1 Zekrom LT
1 Terrakion LT
1 Victini Ex
1 Mewtwo Ex

4 Professor Juniper
4 N
2 Shauna
1 Bianca
1 Skyla
4 Max Potion
3 Fairy Garden
3 Muscle Band
3 Tool Scrapper
2 Level Ball
2 Ultra Ball
1 Super Rod
1 Town Map
1 Escape Rope
1 Computer Search

5 Fairy Energy
4 Prism Energy
2 Rainbow Energy

Well then again thats just my opinion. I won every match aside from blastoise, so i guess just tech harder against it.

Yeah.. I just built this to see how it worked, and I already play Keldeo. One piece of advice is if you have trouble with OHKO decks, maybe a little more for Rayboar? But this was really helpful, and it will help, but not sure I agree with everything. I also don't see any Yveltal?

Bump time! I have now added/ taken out stuff! So some of the comments may not apply anymore. Thanks to all so far; keep commenting!

I played against 1 with Yevltal. It was okay. You just have to watch your energy count. Xerneas Ex resists dark and if you manage to ping it for at least 30 damage before, you can easily knock it out with Xerneas Ex using Xblast with muscle band. Also the 1 of Zekrom destroyed one of them as well so thats was 1 easy prize that came as a surprise.

I feel like fairy's biggest strength is the surprise factor. If you can hide your plays until you need them, then you are pretty golden. Leave a few bench space open and when something like darkrai comes to the active, dig for terrakion, play it, retreat into it and move energy to it. OHKO and they had no idea it was coming. But it also makes you rely on some luck. Which is why i suggest more draw support than anything else.

What i did was try to rely on my stables like xerneas Ex and its non ex form for most of the game. Then when opportunity struck i dug for my tech. DIdnt always work out. But when it did, it turned into game changing turns.

But then again its always safer to have the tech sitting on the bench, always having that danger looming. It can cause misplays on your opponents part.

As for rayboar. I wasnt too afraid of fire types. But if you expect delphox. You could tech in a water type and use Suicune rather than Sigilyph. But thats totally up to you. They are basically the same thing. But with muscle band. Suicune hits for 180 on fire types.
Cool! As you can see I modeled my deck after yours A LOT. Thanks. What do you think of my current list?
Your list is pretty good but I would suggest a few changes:

-KeldeoEX (Not the most ideal to be attacking with even against Fire and I've added VirizionEX so you don't need to worry about special conditions)
-Sigilyph (I've added Suicune as it covers this and is water in place of KeldeoEX, plus with a Muscle Band it hits water weak Pokemon for 180)
-Landorus (This isn't needed)
-CobalionEX (Non-EX Cobalion can 1 shot fairies)
-Eevee (I've taken out Leafeon)
-Leafeon (2 Shotting with VirizionEX is good enough)

+DarkraiEX (Much better than Fairy Garden since you only need to play 1)
+Cobalion (Non-EX, this can 1 shot Fairies)
+Suicune (Does the job of being a Water attacker and fills in for Sigilyph)
+VirizionEX (Stops special conditions)

-Energy Retrieval (This is not needed)
-3 Fairy Garden (DarkraiEX does this job)
-Town Map (This is not needed)

+1 Tool Scrapper (Garbodor is an awful matchup)
+2 Max Potion (This is the point of the deck, if they can't 1 shot you then they can't kill you at all)

+2 Rainbow Energy (You need enough energy of different types)
+1 Fairy Energy (I always like 4/4/6 in my testing)

This does leave 1 space, I'd mostly suggest either a 2nd rayquaza since Black KyuremEX and rayquazaEX cause problems or a 4th Ultra Ball for consistency.

Hope this helps
sid18 said:
Your list is pretty good but I would suggest a few changes:

-KeldeoEX (Not the most ideal to be attacking with even against Fire and I've added VirizionEX so you don't need to worry about special conditions)
-Sigilyph (I've added Suicune as it covers this and is water in place of KeldeoEX, plus with a Muscle Band it hits water weak Pokemon for 180)
-Landorus (This isn't needed)
-CobalionEX (Non-EX Cobalion can 1 shot fairies)
-Eevee (I've taken out Leafeon)
-Leafeon (2 Shotting with VirizionEX is good enough)

+DarkraiEX (Much better than Fairy Garden since you only need to play 1)
+Cobalion (Non-EX, this can 1 shot Fairies)
+Suicune (Does the job of being a Water attacker and fills in for Sigilyph)
+VirizionEX (Stops special conditions)

-Energy Retrieval (This is not needed)
-3 Fairy Garden (DarkraiEX does this job)
-Town Map (This is not needed)

+1 Tool Scrapper (Garbodor is an awful matchup)
+2 Max Potion (This is the point of the deck, if they can't 1 shot you then they can't kill you at all)

+2 Rainbow Energy (You need enough energy of different types)
+1 Fairy Energy (I always like 4/4/6 in my testing)

This does leave 1 space, I'd mostly suggest either a 2nd rayquaza since Black KyuremEX and rayquazaEX cause problems or a 4th Ultra Ball for consistency.

Hope this helps

So, I disagree with a couple of things, and just some other thoughts:
1. Did you not read what I said about max potion above?
2. I HEAVILY disagree about Darkrai. I think that Fairy garden is better because it wins stadium wars, and makes their Darkrais useless.
3. I play energy retrieval for the fairies. I don't really like playing rainbows. And it gives me more of a freeness to discard them, so maybe play more?
4. I think that town map IS needed because what if you a tech is prized?
5. I don't only play Cobalion for fairies, I also play it for plasma variants.
6. I can't get my hands on a Verizion, so maybe go for a Slurpuff, or just keep keldeo w/ fairy garden?
7. Victini is for Verizion, and I'll switch and test with Suicune.
I had no problem drawing my pokemon with so many draw support in my deck. I got pretty much everything i needed, unless it was prized.

For tool scrappers. I feel like 2 + dowsing machine is enough. Other wise its just a dead card in your worst match up. Keldeo/Blastoise. Also dont play energy retrieval. Just super rod. Early game its better to put energy back into the deck to use Geomancy to accelerate. Late game its better to super rod because your deck is so thin that you can probably draw into an energy with a supporter. Your deck only uses 1 energy per turn from hand. So basically its just an additional card that gets stuck in your hand that you dont want to juniper. + 3 energy to deck is better than + 2 to hand imo.

Also i didnt face any plasma pokemon.

The argument against using darkrai over fairy garden is not only what he said. But because it would only make your garbodor worse. Laser bank would be unstoppable when they lock abilities. At least with your deck relying on both abilities and stadiums. Your opponent will need more cards to shut you down completely.