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Aromatisse / Xerneas EX / Xerneas


I am Neos. Who are you?
I took most of this list from Luxiel so yeah. I don't take full credit. Just a cheaper version of it.


  • 4 Xerneas EX
    3 Xerneas
    2 Aromatisse
    2 Spritzee
    1 Slurpuff
    1 Swirlix
    2 Mewtwo EX
    2 Pikachu
    2 Raichu

  • 3 Evosoda
    3 Professor Juniper
    2 Colress
    3 N
    3 Fairy Garden
    3 Skyla
    2 Muscle Band
    2 Pokemon Fan Club
    2 Ultra Ball
    2 Energy Retrieval
    2 Lysandre
    2 Professor's Letter
    1 Startling Megaphone

  • 11 Fairy Energy

Starting with baby Xerneas is probably the best start. Try to get benched pokemon aswell. Use geomancy to accelerate your energy. Try to get Aromatisse out as fast as possible using Evosoda or just evolving. Then, you can move energy around. You can hit with Mewtwo, or you can hit with Xerneas EX. You need two Xerneas EX's to hit X Blast every turn. or you can hit with mewtwo for a max 300. (putting all 14 energy in this deck, and a muscle band. Any suggestions can be very helpful. (And I am a Black Kyurem now.)
You really dont need the rainbow energy, everything in the deck attacks for colorless energy or fairy energy. I would also consider droping the evosoda count to a 2 count. So that opens up 5 deck spots for you. With those five spots I would add in a dowzing machine, another startaling megaphone, and 3 max poition. You may also want to drop one of the energy retrivals for a sacred ash.
Ironman131 said:
You really dont need the rainbow energy, everything in the deck attacks for colorless energy or fairy energy. I would also consider droping the evosoda count to a 2 count. So that opens up 5 deck spots for you. With those five spots I would add in a dowzing machine, another startaling megaphone, and 3 max poition. You may also want to drop one of the energy retrivals for a sacred ash.
Well, I plan on building this deck on a budget. And max potions really bump up the price.
O ok. But the max potions are really what make the deck good. If you dont put them in you still have 2 spots open withouit removing one of the enrgy retrival for a sacred ash. The other 2 spots could be used for a pall pad and another ultra ball. Or another fairy energy with another card.
Run Super Potions until you can save for Max Potion. This isn't a OHKO deck (and I find that leaving lots of energies on your Mewtwo just to get it revenge killed is quite the risk), you will be retreating a lot and will need some way to heal so you can last longer.
Why didnt you read the suggestions on the posts from the other threads? Seriously 4 Xerneas EX is simply BAD and dosnt gives you nothing, run 2 MAX, also , if you are running raichu circle circuit and 2 xerneas EX :
-3-4 Fairy Energy (11 is overkill)
+3-4 DCE
The DCE makes your raichu hit with only 1 attachement even if you dont have fairy energies on the field and makes xerneas EX a lot eassier and wastes you less resources, and obviusly it helps mewtwo too

Edit: also like others said, Max Potion is simply NEEDED if you run a deck with aromatisse, is the basis of the deck , what makes it good, the possiblity of heal a full EX without wasting resources.
stormESP said:
Why didnt you read the suggestions on the posts from the other threads? Seriously 4 Xerneas EX is simply BAD and dosnt gives you nothing, run 2 MAX, also , if you are running raichu circle circuit and 2 xerneas EX :
-3-4 Fairy Energy (11 is overkill)
+3-4 DCE
The DCE makes your raichu hit with only 1 attachement even if you dont have fairy energies on the field and makes xerneas EX a lot eassier and wastes you less resources, and obviusly it helps mewtwo too

Edit: also like others said, Max Potion is simply NEEDED if you run a deck with aromatisse, is the basis of the deck , what makes it good, the possiblity of heal a full EX without wasting resources.

I wouldn't necessarily say that it's "bad", I would simply say that having four is too much. However, I have a very competitive friend of mine that put four Mewtwo EX in his deck. It sounds like overkill, but it seemed to actually flow.

I actually would run two Double Colorless Energy, though, simply because, say, if you are low on Fairy Energy and you need two more, a DCE is right there waiting for you. But I wouldn't run more than two. They begin to clutter things at a point.
What he said. One or two DCE's can be clutch, but most often, if you play your attachments conservatively until you get Aromatisse out, and then try to preserve your Energy on the field, you won't even need DCE's because you can just as easily shift over two Fairy. And you can't move the DCE's around, so they're stuck wherever you attach them, and if you need to drop a Max Potion, you also have to drop the DCE.