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Aromatisse / Xerneas / Xerneas EX


I am Neos. Who are you?
I have built so many Fairy decks, but this is the final one. The one I will buy and make in real life.


  • 3 Xerneas EX
    2 Xerneas
    2 Spritzee
    2 Aromatisse
    2 Kangaskahn EX
    2 M Kangaskahn EX
    1 Swirlix
    1 Slurpuff
    1 Sigilyph
    1 Yveltal EX
    1 Mewtwo EX
    1 Victini

  • 3 Juniper
    3 Skyla
    3 Colress
    2 N
    1 Lysandre

    3 Super Potion (Budget)
    3 Fairy Garden
    3 Ultra Ball
    2 Evosoda
    2 Muscle Band
    2 Startling Megaphone
    1 Professors Letter

  • 7 Fairy Energy
    3 DCE
    3 Rainbow

Really simple strategy. Get baby Xerneas out as your starter or just try to get him out to accelerate energy. Get your Aromatisse turn 2. Get everything set up. Your energy and your attackers. From there, just attack and win the game. M Kangaskahn is in there for the Pyroar match up. Only 1 because he is a tank.
I think 3 XerneasEX is too much and you should replace one with another Mega Kangaskhan. If the one is prized then you probably won't be able to even take it out of the prizes in the case of a Pyroar lock. Also there are a lot of different Pokemon in here so you need more Pokemon search power. -1 Fairy energy because there's a lot, -1 Super Potion because you really won't want to discard 4 energy in a game for small amounts of damage. Add an Ultra Ball and Computer Search or just two Ultra Ball if the budget is too tight.
I feel like 3 Xerneas EX is fine, as I have done some insane playtesting, and the deck works perfectly.