Arven’s Mabosstiff ex, Greedent, and More Arvent’s Pokemon Revealed!

It's unplayable. Tbh I'm a little disappointed that they're giving an art rare to greedent over any of Arven's actually likable pokemon.
Remember, we’ve already got an ordinary Mabosstiff Art Rare featuring Arven’s legs (The one where he’s waiting to see if his master drops any sandwich bits under the sandwich-making table). Although I wouldn’t be surprised if Arven’s Mabosstiff ex gets a Special Art Rare, given the precedent set by Battle Partners.
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Guys, what’s with all the hate for Greedent? The Skwovet line were among my brother’s favorite Pokémon from eighth generation (Up there with Wooloo and Zacian). The way Greedent hides berries in the fold of its tail and then spills them all over the place is funny, and both Skwovet and Greedent seem to be designed to be cute and goofy.
Guys, what’s with all the hate for Greedent? The Skwovet line were among my brother’s favorite Pokémon from eighth generation (Up there with Wooloo and Zacian). The way Greedent hides berries in the fold of its tail and then spills them all over the place is funny, and both Skwovet and Greedent seem to be designed to be cute and goofy.
Greedentfanville population you bro
Guys, what’s with all the hate for Greedent? The Skwovet line were among my brother’s favorite Pokémon from eighth generation (Up there with Wooloo and Zacian). The way Greedent hides berries in the fold of its tail and then spills them all over the place is funny, and both Skwovet and Greedent seem to be designed to be cute and goofy.
Because it's uninteresting and unviable.
But congrats to you and your brother for liking them anyway, I respect that
"filler cards" don't have to be boring (a fate worse than being merely bad). especially not "filler cards" that are headlining the set enough to be represented on the pack wrapper and feature in the trailer (ie, they aren't filler).
Not every Pokémon in the pack art is good or even not boring. Be glad the Misty and Ethan cards aren't bad. Usually getting one good archetype is all you can expect from a set and sometimes not even that. It's just Mabostiff. I never had any sort of an expectation for it to be good.
Not every Pokémon in the pack art is good or even not boring. Be glad the Misty and Ethan cards aren't bad. Usually getting one good archetype is all you can expect from a set and sometimes not even that. It's just Mabostiff. I never had any sort of an expectation for it to be good.
personally since i'm not a mindless drone looking to consume product merely to feed into parasocial brand worship, i would prefer if the card R&D team did a good job (important: this means "interesting" not "meta") with most of their cards instead of just a few, as a treat, each set. your bare minimum is a much lower standard than mine.
personally since i'm not a mindless drone looking to consume product merely to feed into parasocial brand worship, i would prefer if the card R&D team did a good job (important: this means "interesting" not "meta") with most of their cards instead of just a few, as a treat, each set. your bare minimum is a much lower standard than mine.
Wow you are better than everyone. I must be lucky to even talk to you. The standard that they only put a few good cards in a set is not my own. I would love for every card to have a purpose and be good so stop talking down to me like you're something special. I merely stated that that's how they operate so to think that all of a sudden they are going to change in this set is ignorant because they don't put many food cards in one set. That's not my standard I just have realistic expectations.
Wow you are better than everyone. I must be lucky to even talk to you. The standard that they only put a few good cards in a set is not my own. I would love for every card to have a purpose and be good so stop talking down to me like you're something special. I merely stated that that's how they operate so to think that all of a sudden they are going to change in this set is ignorant because they don't put many food cards in one set. That's not my standard I just have realistic expectations.
i have realistic expectations, yours are just lower.
Expecting them to do something they've never done is realistic? Please explain? You're very condescending what reasoning do you have for thinking you're better than everyone else?
you seem to be the only one talking about "everyone else". if you haven't noticed, disappointment with these cards that, again, whether you want to cope about it or not, are headlining the set, is more common than not among other commenters in the thread.
you seem to be the only one talking about "everyone else". if you haven't noticed, disappointment with these cards that, again, whether you want to cope about it or not, are headlining the set, is more common than not among other commenters in the thread.
I'm aware a lot of people are disappointed. What I'm saying is why did you expect anything more? 3 of the 4 trainers from the pack art have good cards from what we've seen so far. What other set has lead you to have an expectation that all the cards in a set will be good? Lillie is featured in the journey together set and get cards are ass. This is nothing new. Sure I'd like them to give us more good cards. I'm constantly calling for a more diverse meta that doesn't consist of 3 good decks. What I'm saying is coming into this set thinking all 4 trainers would have good decks was setting yourself up for disappointment. I'm not saying you shouldn't want more from them but you shouldn't think it's going to happen when they've given you no reason to think that. This is how ptcg works. If you think otherwise I don't know what to tell you. Sure want more but expecting it to be reality is not a realistic expectation.
LOTTEN vs bwyattvirtue13

Let's recap: Majority of cards in a main set are fillers, inferior in standard play. Cards that are slow to set up (evolution cards), low HP, little to no synergistic, and lesser effect (i.e. draw one card instead of drawing three cards). It remain consistent that every sets are majority filler and only very few are standard worthy.

R&D team has two main customers after retailers: players and collectors. Who represent more as the customers? You decide. Are the R&D team aware about filler cards? Absolutely. Then why do they not stuffed all "playable" cards in one set? I do not have the official answer. If I have to guess, it is because it is not profitable. Instead, they "stretch out" all the good cards into different sets. Realistically, this strategy is not going to change and we can blame the collectors for that but there is nothing we can do about it. I was a collector and never played pokemon. That being said, I never cared about stats, HP, ability, etc. I wanted pokemon cards for the art.
This could be an interesting heal combo... but unless we see more support for it, (like maybe energy acceleration), I don't think it'll be competitively viable.
Oooof... why did they pick greedent out of all his mons?!?!

I am starting to see a trend here first rotom, now greedent... they need to spread the love around!!