Writing Ash and Luxio

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Done Here
Me: Kay, this is my second story here!
My Pikachu, Chuzers: Yeah, but if this were on Fanfiction it'd be like, what, seventy-two?
Me: No!
Chuzers: Right, cuz you never finish any of them.
Chuzers: When do you-
Ash looked at the SunyShore Gym. The last time he had been here... He'd been beaten horribly. Volkner's Raichu had beaten all three of his Pokemon. He felt regret fill his stomach just thinking of it. Shaking it off, he took a deep breath and walked back in.
"Volkner," He yelled, "I challenge you!"
"Again?" Volkner called from the back of the gym. "All right, but I'll beat you again, you know."
"That's the spirit, Volky!"
"Stop calling me that, Flint!"
The tall, blonde man walked over to where he was to stand for battle. Ash ran over to his place, each of them sending out their Pokemon silently. After two flahes of light, not only was Torterra standing there, but...
A Luxio.
Ash felt his face go white. "No, no no!" He mumbled. As Flint called for them to start the battle, Ash looked away and called out, "Torterra, Earthquake!"
The ground shook violently, shaking the Luxio. Ash heard it cry out, making him feel choked up.
"Luxio, use Iron Tail!"
Ash shivered hearing Luxio's cry again. It hit Torterra hard, and as Ash looked up to see if it was okay, he saw the Luxio standing behind Torterra; in other words, it was right in front of him.
He cracked.
He squeezed his eyes shut, looked away, and pulled Torterra's PokeBall out. "R-return!" He stammered out. He looked up when Torterra was safe in his PokeBall and saw Flint's and Volkner's confusion. They both jumped when they saw tears in Ash's eyes.
"I- I forfit!"
With that, he turned and ran out of the gym, leaving the two close friends confused.
Ash ran into the Pokemon Center and up to his, Brock's, and Dawn's room. They both looked up when he ran in and threw himself onto his bed, face down. Neither of them had wanted to come because they had needed to help Nurse Joy at the Center. As he shook, they both thought that Ash had lost again. Neither of them said a word.
Suddenly, the door opened again, and Volkner and Flint were standing there. They noticed Ash's position, both confused. He had left without a clue as to why, and they had come to figure it out.
Ash had his eyes shut tight in the pillow, crying in fright. Why did Volkner have a... A... he couldn't even think it without sobbing. That Pokemon scared him so much, if he even saw a picture of it, he was gone in record time, much less if he saw it in person. He still couldn't beleive that he'd stayed in the same room as it was for that long!
Sensing that something was up, Flint walked over to Ash and set a hand on his shoulder.
"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked.
Ash was about to answer, but the image of L... that Pokemon filled his mind, preventing him from answering.
Dawn, knowing what Ash was upset about, looked at Volkner. "You used a Luxio, didn't-"
She was cut off by a high-pitched whine from Ash. Volkner glanced at Ash, then back to Dawn, nodding. She glared at him, walked towards the door while grabbing Volkner by the sleeve, stepped out of the room and slammed the door.
"Why did you use a Luxio?!" She hissed at him. "Ash is scared to death of them; he can't even say the name!"
"Why is he-"
"When he was in preschool, he was attacked by one. The same thing happened when he was in third grade, and a few weeks before he started his journey. In fourth grade, when they were studying electric types, they were using flash cards, and one kid always had to hold it up as the other kids guessed. He got Luxio. The second he saw what Pokemon he had, he dropped the card and ran back to his seat, sitting underneath the desk and curling into a ball. He was like that for the rest of the day, not moving until Gary talked him into coming out. You cannot use that Pokemon again around him, okay?!"
Volkner stared at her in shock. It was a wonder how she'd known all of that. She turned and walked back into the room, where Ash was still laying there, shivering. She looked at him sympathetically and walked over, kneeling down and stroking his back.
"Relax, Ash," She whispered. "That Pokemon isn't in here now. It's okay."
Ash finally lifted his head slowly. He had a stream of tears still going down his cheeks. He looked at her, sat up, and hugged her fast, still scared to death from seeing Luxio. Dawn hugged back, giving one of the only sources of comfort she had.
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