Ash's becoming a joke

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Rocket member 777

Pokehunter and Rocket Admin
O.K. They made him lose a lttle in gyms before just to show that he's human and loses sometimes. But in Sinnoh he's lost in both the gyms he's challenged. BOTH! Ash is becoming a joke.
Seriously. In the show he's a guy but all three of his voice actors are girls. -_-
If he would use a Pokemon that was actually WORTH something (Charizard, Sceptile, ONE of his Tauros, Pidgeot) he would be a great trainer. Now he just starts with Pikachu and uses whatever he catches. And if he would actually CATCH a Pokemon instead of asking them to join his team, he'd get a good Pokemon. What happened to his "gotta catch 'em all" attitude?
Ash's is meant to be a joke and i hate it! I always liked gary's style, he didnt really treat his pokemon badly, he just treated ash badly. Gary knows how things work!! He should of stayed a pokemon trainer and not decided to be a reasercher or watever. Also do you notice how every year it seems like pikachu resarts as bad as all of his new pokemon. I mean this year he lost to pauls elekid!! I mean come on!! Pikachu has beaten out many stronger pokemon then pauls elekid!! That is crazy!!
Silver said:
Seriously. In the show he's a guy but all three of his voice actors are girls. -_-#
Theres a problem here??? :/ Guys can have high pitched voices at his age (aka girly voices). And seriously, when hasn't ash been a joke?? Ever since he threw a rock at a spearow, I knew he was a joke. ^Yeah, Gary has always been my favorite trainer on the show. He knew how to get a balanced team of good pokemon. And yeah, ash's pikachu is seriously person. I mean, it can beat a dragonite, tie with a zapdos, and heck, even beat auto-loses *points to onix and golem*, but loses to random scrubs??? Come on.
Good point MK63. Gary is much better then Ash. He knows how to train Pokemon and he know's how to catch them to. Pikachu just gets worse every season, it's getting redicoulous. I really think the anine kills Pokemon's reputation. If they would stop making the anine, I think everyone would stop making fun of people who like Pokemon.
Pikachu made absolutly NO progress in the Hoenn championships. It lost EVERY battle. And Papi/Manny there is no number sign in there...
moneyking63 said:
Also do you notice how every year it seems like pikachu resarts as bad as all of his new pokemon. I mean this year he lost to pauls elekid!! I mean come on!! Pikachu has beaten out many stronger pokemon then pauls elekid!! That is crazy!!

Yeah, come on! It beat REGICE in brandon's battle then in dp it LOST to MAKICARP! How n00bish...
Urm, as Papi/Manny said, since when was Ash not a joke ? When has he ever showed a tiny hint of intelligence.

And BTW, that first battle against Gardenia wasn't a Gym Battle IIRC.
This is precisely why the anime suck beyond all hope of repair now

They(The Anime Crators) have instead of targeting all age groups(seasons 1-9) and making it very broad, have now pointed at Boys and Girls from 9 to 11 which as well all know most of us here are quite older than that;)
think this way guys---if he keeps usin old pokemons, his new ones will not be gettin any experience and will remain unskilled. Say, ash was using bulbasaur all the time durin johto and hoenn, then do u think his chikorita and treeko would have ever evolved into a bayleef and sceptile respectively? I know, that he should use his old pokes for the league matches, just as he did during the battles with Brandon---but the league matches are the ones which give u major experience--so, i am all in for ash's way of battling. i dont think he's a noob!
Well i agree with you and dissagre with you shakir99. In the league matches sometimes ash does use his old pokemon. Remember in the silver conference against Gary ash used Muk, Tauros, Charizard, Kingler, Bayleef and some other pokemon i cant recall but i do remember he didnt even use pikachu! So that shows he has somewhat of a brain. On the other hand if he really trained his pokemon by battling other people and doing other things that are sensible he would have a much stronger team!!

Either he just all out sucks, or the Pokemon company enjoys watching cartoon characters fail -_-. Ash has been a joke for about 10 years and he's not going to change :|
If he battles in the leagues with what he just catches is fine.. As long as he has the brains to at least evolve them to the highest stage.. Come on, who with a right mind challenges some the region's best trainers with basic pokemon..
Moneyking63 said:
Ash's is meant to be a joke and i hate it! I always liked gary's style, he didnt really treat his pokemon badly, he just treated ash badly. Gary knows how things work!! He should of stayed a pokemon trainer and not decided to be a reasercher or watever. Also do you notice how every year it seems like pikachu resarts as bad as all of his new pokemon. I mean this year he lost to pauls elekid!! I mean come on!! Pikachu has beaten out many stronger pokemon then pauls elekid!! That is crazy!!

I know! His Pikachu lost to a rookie's Pokemon! How dumb!
Ash is also stupid, asking Pokemon to come along instead of just catching them. I thought you were supposed to catch Pokemon, not ask them.
Gary's Electivire and whatever kicked Pikachu's butt! I like Gary more than Ash. Gary should have been the star, not Ash.
He also beat the Battle Frontier, but he had trouble taking down a rookie! The animators need to get a clue, and make Ash stop being a n00b.

"Hi, Kricetot! I know I'm probably too newbish for you, but could you join my team, please? You would be a great Pokemon in my great team!"
shaymingiratina8717 said:
Moneyking63 said:
Ash's is meant to be a joke and i hate it! I always liked gary's style, he didnt really treat his pokemon badly, he just treated ash badly. Gary knows how things work!! He should of stayed a pokemon trainer and not decided to be a reasercher or watever. Also do you notice how every year it seems like pikachu resarts as bad as all of his new pokemon. I mean this year he lost to pauls elekid!! I mean come on!! Pikachu has beaten out many stronger pokemon then pauls elekid!! That is crazy!!

I know! His Pikachu lost to a rookie's Pokemon! How dumb!
Ash is also stupid, asking Pokemon to come along instead of just catching them. I thought you were supposed to catch Pokemon, not ask them.
Gary's Electivire and whatever kicked Pikachu's butt! I like Gary more than Ash. Gary should have been the star, not Ash.
He also beat the Battle Frontier, but he had trouble taking down a rookie! The animators need to get a clue, and make Ash stop being a n00b.

"Hi, Kricetot! I know I'm probably too newbish for you, but could you join my team, please? You would be a great Pokemon in my great team!"

LOL i aggree with you 100% Gary was great and whenever i play a pokemon game i dont name my rival gary i name him ash!! He just really needs to train and evolve his pokemon!! Thats the big thing fro me! I understand that a pokemon can be strong at a basic stage but its much better, stronger, bigger and cooler at a high evolution. I mean if ash's squirtle battled gary's blastoise who do u think will win! GARY! I do think ash raised some of his pokemon right, like:
He really trained those guys!! And it payed off! I think he used most of those in the league which is good. Whatever to that whole "Gotta Catch em' All" attidude and the "Ill be a pokemon master!" He really lost that in dp! What really got me is when he had that chance to catch that hippopotas and he didnt!! that could of been really strong!!
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