Pokemon (14)
I don't know if calling this a "strategy" would be 100% accurate, so much as a "pile of cards I threw together with a vague concept in mind". That concept is making attacks and KOs as costly for the opponent as possible, through effects like Rocky Helmet, Druddigon's Rough Skin (chosen over Sharpedo for being Basic, having more HP, and Clutch), Jellicent's Spiteful Spirit, and Beartic and Regigigas hitting harder when injured.
Most of the Trainers were just me trying to remember what's good. Super Scoop Up exists to (hopefully) steal a last-minute KO from someone, though I could be convinced to replace them with Max Potions. I will be the first to admit, I no longer know which Items are "good", so this may be where I need the most help.
I realize this is a dumb idea and a rogue deck, so feel free to tear it apart. I can't even call it a budget deck, because of such additions as Regigigas EX and two Battle City.
- Cubchoo (PS 40) x3
- Beartic (PS 41) x2
- Druddigon (NV 89) x3
- Frillish (ND 34) x3
- Jellicent (PS 39) x2
- Regigigas-EX (ND 89) x1
- Battle City x2
- Cheren x4
- Colress x3
- Computer Search x1
- Enhanced Hammer x3
- Great Ball x3
- Hypnotoxic Laser x4
- Pokemon Communication x3
- Rocky Helmet x4
- Super Rod x3
- Super Scoop Up x2
- Switch x2
- Water Energy x10
- Double Colorless Energy x2
I don't know if calling this a "strategy" would be 100% accurate, so much as a "pile of cards I threw together with a vague concept in mind". That concept is making attacks and KOs as costly for the opponent as possible, through effects like Rocky Helmet, Druddigon's Rough Skin (chosen over Sharpedo for being Basic, having more HP, and Clutch), Jellicent's Spiteful Spirit, and Beartic and Regigigas hitting harder when injured.
Most of the Trainers were just me trying to remember what's good. Super Scoop Up exists to (hopefully) steal a last-minute KO from someone, though I could be convinced to replace them with Max Potions. I will be the first to admit, I no longer know which Items are "good", so this may be where I need the most help.
I realize this is a dumb idea and a rogue deck, so feel free to tear it apart. I can't even call it a budget deck, because of such additions as Regigigas EX and two Battle City.