Writing Avatar - Sun's Rath


Croagunk, one of the faithful
OK, I was inspired to continue off the Black Sun special. I need 3 people, ideas for 2 creatures.

OK, story time:

Mill, the Earthbending Avatar (Aang dies while killing Ozai) is young and youthful. He trains relentlessly following in Aang's footsteps. But one day, he is whisked away from home during night one day. He has been gone for a year now and is in a concentration camp in Fire nation... (Zula took lead, as Zuko is a traitor.) And that's where it starts.

I need

1 Random Person

2 Animals


If not bending, what weapon:

Fore for animals:


Mill Stull (Earth, Male)
Alex Muckle (Water, Male)

Could I be a bender?
Name: Alex Muckle (not realy Avatar type naem I will try to think of another)
Bending: Water

Thanckx alot I love avatar WATER BENDING FTW
but how are you gong to incorporate air bending in?
Also Water benders were enxt in the cycle, o well ur fic right ;)
yea, see I'll describe in my fan-fic. The cycle was torn.:F
2. One more bender! (fire) needs to be girl!
3. Normal person
4. Still need two more benders!

You'll see about air later...
I wanna be a Fire Bender:

Name:Zarzo Mutsiko (A bender OR normal warrior in living in the Fire Nation)
Gender:Boy(If I can't be a Fire Bender then look below)
Weapon:A large blade and a pistol
OK, but can you make it girl? I need one. And you can be bender.

1 more normal person
2 animals
You ould always make mine a girl, Alex is a guys and girls name, thats why i use it here for stuff like that, like my fan fic
Avatar is uber! Its like the best show :D I thought I was the only one that liked it :l

Name: Kyzu Abarai
Bending: Earth
Gender: Male
If not bending, what weapon: Scimitars as a secondary weapon.

Also, I have a pet/partner:

Name: Ryry
species: Flying Lemur (Momo's son)
ability: Same as Momo; Flying, small, uberly big ears, likes fruit, and is one of the 5 that are left.
Note: His fur is more grayish than Momo's, and he has light blue eyes instead of Mom's green eyes.

Also, if Mill is right after Aang, wouldn't he be a water bender?