Art Gallery Avatars and Art v.2. [Xerneas and Yveltal Avatars Added in Latest Post]

RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Oshawott v.2, Volcarona v.2 added.

To DNA: Actually, all of my latest art is only uploaded to DeviantArt since I stopped using Photobucket because of bandwidth issues. Since I need to name the artwork something that people will search for / a name that's appropriate, the only thing I can really go with is the name of the Pokémon itself. I get what you're saying though - I do kinda wish I could stop my artwork from appearing on Google images, as that's where a lot of people who use it without permission get it from. (There are also a lot of other sites that use my art without my permission, and they come up in the results as well.)

Added Oshawott v.2 and Volcarona v.2 to the thread.
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Oshawott v.2, Volcarona v.2 added.

Pictures by themselves are just too easy to copy+paste.

I have always wondered if it might be better if deviantart switched to a flash interface for image displays. eg.

The obvious advantage is that ripping pictures becomes harder because traditional copy+paste no longer works (even more so if you employ something like clipboard overriding, for example using window.clipboardData.setData() in java script)

...and of course the obvious disadvantage is the loading times...

Ultimately though, DA stinks at copyright protection. Their official excuse for not disabling copy+paste is that it is "not impossible to circumvent". So for example if you disable downloading of your art, people can still download it by right-clicking and choosing one of the options there like view image. Another silly thing is that even if you do stuff like make the pic only viewable to DA members, they can still hotlink it elsewhere for the world to see (and use)
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Oshawott v.2, Volcarona v.2 added.

Volcarona OWNS.

I'm...I'm using the Serperior!
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Oshawott v.2, Volcarona v.2 added.

I wish you'll make a Shauntal or Chandelure though. :p

But since you focus more on pokemon than trainers.. Hopefully Chandelure comes out soon :D

Oh and long time no see Xous

Using Jellicent in the meantime by the way.
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Terrakion v.2, Golurk v.1 & 2, Emboar v.2 added.

To Riskbreakers: I hope to get to Chandelure soon, since it's a popular fifth Generation Pokémon.

And yeah, long time no see. :3

Added Golurk v.1 and v.2, Terrakion v.2, and Emboar v.2 to the thread. I also added a "Three Musketeers" avatar in Cobalion's avatar section.
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Terrakion v.2, Golurk v.1 & 2, Emboar v.2 added.

Those the have very cool poses. Especially Emboar, who I've never really seen in that pose.
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Terrakion v.2, Golurk v.1 & 2, Emboar v.2 added.

Thanks Xous. (remember the sig lol)
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Terrakion v.2, Golurk v.1 & 2, Emboar v.2 added.

@Xous: Gotcha. By the way, how's that Claydol drawing coming along? =D
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Terrakion v.2, Golurk v.1 & 2, Emboar v.2 added.

I'll be using the Dialga v.1 art, thanks a lot! Looks very cool.
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Terrakion v.2, Golurk v.1 & 2, Emboar v.2 added.

DNA said:
@Xous: Gotcha. By the way, how's that Claydol drawing coming along? =D

I haven't been able to get a sketch for it done. I've been too busy with Generation 5 artwork.

Well, it took a few years, but my scanner finally seems to have killed itself. My computer won't recognize the scanner's USB plug anymore, so there's no way I can get my computer to realize the scanner is there. :/

Customer support for this relic is nonexistent (it's from 2004), so unfortunately I won't be able to do any new artwork until my scanner is somehow fixed / I get a new one. I get paid on Wednesday, so hopefully Best Buy will have one that's close to the simplicity of my current one.
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Terrakion v.2, Golurk v.1 & 2, Emboar v.2 added.

That stinks haha. I cant imagine how many times you've scanned something.

Did you make that sig that you have?
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Terrakion v.2, Golurk v.1 & 2, Emboar v.2 added.

Hm... Yeah, I wonder how many times I scanned something in... I'm surprised the scanner lasted as long as it did, so I feel fortunate this didn't happen sooner / during a time I needed to get a lot of artwork done. I guess when I'm finally able to scan again there will be a lot of artwork ready and waiting to be colored in.

Yeah, I made this signature. Just something I threw together one day after work. It's my team on Black version.
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Terrakion v.2, Golurk v.1 & 2, Emboar v.2 added.

I know you don't take requests, but are you planning on doing Lilligant anytime soon?

Oh BTW, excellent work as always!
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Terrakion v.2, Golurk v.1 & 2, Emboar v.2 added.

I've been thinking about drawing both Lilligant and Whimsicott at the same time, but it's going to be hard coming up with interesting poses for them. As far as what time I plan on getting to Lilligant... I'm not sure, unfortunately.
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Terrakion v.2, Golurk v.1 & 2, Emboar v.2 added.

Avatars look great as always Xous, keep us the good work :3
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Terrakion v.2, Golurk v.1 & 2, Emboar v.2 added.

Pokémon next to be completed:
  • Servine
  • Chandelure
  • Scraggy
  • Archeops
  • Deino
  • Arcanine v.2

This list will likely grow as the days pass. As mentioned earlier, I plan on getting a new scanner Wednesday, but I may not be able to get artwork done until a day or two after that, depending on the quality of the images the scanner produces and how well my computer handles the new scanner.
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Terrakion v.2, Golurk v.1 & 2, Emboar v.2 added.

I'm going to use this SWEET Swoobat avi, awesome work, I can't handle the power of this thing.
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Terrakion v.2, Golurk v.1 & 2, Emboar v.2 added.

I get dibs on the Chandelure lol. :D
RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Chandelure, Scraggy added.

Well, my parents came home with the new scanner today (much to my surprise!), so I was able to get Scraggy and Chandelure done.

Unfortunately, this new scanner isn't as good as my old one. While the quality of the scans are much, much nicer, all it does is scan the whole image and save it immediately. My old scanner had a whole menu devoted to scanning where I could select specific areas to scan, apply effects, rotate, and so on. So... Using this new scanner will make the art process even longer, but I'm just glad it works.