Azelf X misprint?

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Aspiring Trainer
So I was opening my first pack of pokemon cards since 2001. I pull open the paper to see an Azelf lv.X looking back at me. Cool, a rare card. Upon further inspection, I noticed a second X located at the top. Take a look for yourselves.

So I guess you could classify this as a misprint, right? Not to sure myself, since My collection consists of the first 3 sets released in the late 90's/early 2000's. Is this worth anything on top of the face value? I hear some collectors consider misprints a rarity.

Thanks for any help!

P.s. - This is my first time posting, so sorry if this is in the wrong board!
If I remember correctly, it was purchased at a local wal-mart. I have the other cards that came with the pack. They all have the trademarks on them. Says Copyright Pokemon/Nintendo 2008 at the bottom. Who knows tho.. I suppose its possible it could be fake.
It's really fake ;s
If you cut the card, it will be white inside, that's not normal (but of course you won't do that xD)
Really? That sucks man... Really weird tho. I purchased this card from a retailer. Feels just like my other cards and the insides look the same...
yeah..definately fake..the retailers themselves don't set up the cards..a private distributor (NOT NINTENDO etc) then pays walmart/target etc. to sell the packs. the only things Directly from nintendo are store exclusives (like certain tins are only released at walmart or target), structure decks and the blister packs (3 packs and a promo with a coin)

Edit: Further example

If I got a vendors license myself I could probably find a store willing to have my product in stock
I understand not why Nintendo does nothing against fake cards :/
I got mostly fake cards from the fair
Go to pokegym (link below) they have an entire thread of ways to identify fake cards
That is definitely a counterfeit card.

Azelf Lv. X 's attack - Deep Balance, doesn't have a specific number for damage. Why? It depends on how many energy cards your opponent has attached to their Pokémon. The real version is blank. Why they would print a 120 next to it is beyond me...

In addition, the real card has a sparkling holo border - it's a challenge for counterfeit artists to reproduce. The X is poorly designed; too thin. The fonts are wrong, too - especially the '90'.

You should use the cards as shuriken and get your money back.
A note, if you want to check whether or not a card is actually real, check it against an actual scan of the card. (Pokebeach has scans from virtually every set, so look here first, and if you don't find it, you can try Bulbapedia.)

Check every possible note - text font, color, size, foil - everything. If even a little bit is off you may very well have a fake card on your hands.

That, and fake cards feel like cardboard when compared to real ones.
A similar thing happened to my son and me.

My son traded for an Azelf Level X Pokemon card at a birthday party. After a couple years, we tried to sell it on ebay, and we were informed it was a counterfeit. At first we didn't believe it, because the card looks and feels completely real. We did some research though, and this card definitely is not supposed to do 120 damage.

We're assuming it really is a counterfeit now, but it is very weird. Anyway, you're not the only one to get a real-looking counterfeit Azelf Level X.
I don't know if you're the same person, but there was a post on pokegym about a guy who had bought fake cards from Walmart.

That Azelf is 100% fake (no doubt about it)
I have this card... :( It's fake. I got it from a kid who was from the Philippines, I traded a Blaziken FB X for Uxie LA, 2 Azelf Lv.X, Leafeon Lv.X and a LOT of other stuff... So, I got home and one Azelf X was like this, and and the other one did 200 damage or one ENERGY!!!! I have some scans if anyone wants to see them.... So at the first Tourny I went I asked, and they said that the Philippines have a lot of false items. That is how it was fake. No offense to anyone that is from the Philippines.
Ok, I'm not sure how much discussion is left after most of the posts are "It's obviously fake" but whatever. If another Mod of the Forum disagrees, they can open it up again.

esterolefin, don't revive dead threads.


dmaster out.
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