Ruling Baby Pokemon flip to attack?


Aspiring Trainer
I went over to the Pokemon TCG website (redesigned) and took a look at the "expert rules" and this little bit caught my attention.

"a) If the Defending Pokémon is a Baby Pokémon, flip a coin to see if your turn ends without an attack. (If your turn ends without an attack, do not do any of the other steps. You are done now.)"

I thought the baby pokemon, flip to attack rule was done away with. Can anyone confirm this?
Unless it's written ont he card, you don't have to flip. And correct me if I'm wrong someone, but only Pokemon that have that rule are considered "Baby Pokemon". So anything refering to "Baby Pokemon" on its card (Lanette's Net Search, Salamence EX (DX), etc) is refering to those. The newer ones are simply Basics.
It is reffering to the old rule.

If it is not written on the card, You do not do it.

And yes the newer "babies" are Basics.