Ruling Baby Pokemon


Aspiring Trainer
Just a quick clarification about the baby rule. In the attack step, step A indicates that "if the defending Pokemon is a baby Pokemon, flip a coin. If tails, your turn ends." What exactly counts as a baby Pokemon? Is it only Pokemon from older sets, say Neo Discovery and back, that literally say "Baby Pokemon" on them, or does it include the newer "baby" Pokemon, that have the Baby Evolution poke power? Thanks in advance.
Are you absolutely sure? I've found conflicting opinions:
It only happens if the ruling is on the card itself. The Baby class no longer exists, they are just grouped together from before, they are just a bunch of Pokémon with the Baby Evolution PokéPower.
That ruling is just for unlimited play. Nowadays they replaced the baby pokemons with the prevolutions, replacing the flip with the baby evolution, and giving them more HP.