• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

Back from a loooong sleep [H] Flygon Lv X, Dialga G Lv X [W] Promocroak,


Fish Out of Water
LOCATION: United States of America


1. Follow the Pokebeach rules...
3. No trading fake cards.
4. I will send if you have more refs than me.
5. Only ENGLISH cards.
6. Please make actually offers instead of just say CML
7. If I don't get this fourm and trading thing yet, please don't be to harsh, I'm still getting used to this.
8. If you don't have what I want, just make an offer and hope for the best
9. Cards are mint unless specified
11. Have some fun :D

I have traded cards by mail but over youtube. So if you want to check out my youtube channel, it's the same as my screen name.



Absolute NEED!
Unown q
1 Scizor Prime
1 Honchkrow (Supreme Victors)
Uxie (Legends Awakened)
Azelf (Legends Awakened)
1 Full Kyogre Groudon Legend Top/Bottom
1 Sableye (Stormfront)
Giritina Let Loose (Platinum)

High Wants:
Uxie Lv X
Luxray GL Lv X
Steelix Prime
Toxicroak Promo
Mespirit (Legends Awakened)

Medium Wants:
Pokemon Collector

Very Low Wants:
Broken Time Space
Cyrus's Conspiracy
Legend Box
Double Colorless
Various Lv X's

Just offer and I will most likely CYL



LV. X'S:
Flygon Lv X
Hippowdon Lv X
Drapion Lv X
Infernape 4 Lv X
Machamp Lv X x2
Staraptor Lv X
Gallade 4 Lv X
Magmortar LV X
Dialga G lv X
Mespirit Lv X

TIN LV. X'S and Primes
Dialga Lv X
Arceus Lv X Fire and Grass x2
Charizard G Lv X
Megenium Prime

Mow Rotom
Wash rotom

Ninetails x4
Xatu Reverse
Steelix x2
Manaphy x2
Sudowodo holo
Torkal x2
Ursuring x2
Pokemon Circulator (x3)
Engineer (x4)
Eemcee Chatter (x3)

Heart Gold Soul Silver
Noctowl Holo (x2)
Clefable Holo
Shuckle Reverse Rare
3 Smoochum Rare (1 Reverse)
2 Furret Rare
Sunflora Rare
Lapras Rare (x2)
Ledian Rare
2 Hypno Rare
Persian Rare
Farfetched Rare
Wobbuffet Reverse Rare
2 Cleffa Reverse Rare
Quagsire Reverse Rare
Sandslash Reverse Rare
Hitmontop Reverse Rare

Diamond and Pearl:
Medicham Rare

Secret Wonders:
Lickylicky Holo
Venasaur Holo
Suicune Holo
Gallade Holo (Psychic Cut)
Mothim Rare
Electrode Rare
Golem Rare
Jynx Rare
Arcanine Rare

Great Encounters:
Tangrowth Holo
Hypno Rare
Primeape Rare
Dialga Holo (THEME DECK)
Porygon Z Rare (THEME DECK)
2 Felicity's Drawing

Mysterious Treasures:
Raichu Holo
Magmortar Reverse Rare
Uxie Reverse Rare
Nidoqueen Rare
Wishcash Rare

Majestic Dawn:
Manaphy Holo
Phione Holo
Manaphy Reverse Rare
Darkrai Reverse Rare
Glaceon Reverse Rare
Vaporeon Rare
Espeon Rare

Legends Awakened:
Politoed Holo
Metagross Holo
Torkoal Reverse Rare
Yanmega Reverse Rare
Unown ! Rare

Shiny Voltorb (Condition is meh NOT MINT)
Shiny Duskull
2 Skuntank Rare
Tangrowth Rare
Drapion Rare
Bronzong Rare
Abomasnow Rare
Dusknoir Rare (#17)
Cherrim Rare (#14)
Drapion Rare (15)

Shiny Swablu
Weavile G Holo
Giritina Holo (#10)
Ampharos Holo
Blastoise Holo
Delcatty Holo
Slaking Holo
Giritina Reverse Rare (#9)
Palkia Reverse Rare (#37)
2 Shaymin Reverse Rare (#38)
2 Luvdisc Reverse Rare
Weavile G Reverse Rare
Manectric Reverse Rare
2 Lickilicky Reverse Rare
Blastoise Reverse Rare
Empoleon Reverse Rare
Infernape Reverse Rare
Slaking Reverse Rare
Banette Rare
Ninetails Rare
Gyarados G Rare
Torterra Rare
Toxicrak G Rare
Dialga Rare
Giritina Rare (#27)
2 Giritina Rare (#28)
Blissey Rare
Altaria Rare
2 Golduck Rare
3 Beautifly Rare
Dustox Rare
Dugtrio Rare
4 Kricketune Rare
2 Miasma Valley (1 Reverse)
2 Life Herbs
1 Galactic HQ

Rising Rivals:
2 Bastiodon Gl Holo
Shiftry Holo
Arcanine holo
Darkrai G Holo
Roserade Gl Holo
Rampardos GL Holo
Jirachi Holo
Mismagius GL Reverse Rare
2 Mamoswine Gl Reverse Rare
Jirachi Reverse Rare
2 Mr. Mime Reverse Rare
Floatzel Gl Reverse Rare
Flareon Reverse Rare
Snorlax Reverse Rare
Infernape 4 Reverse
Nidoking Rare
Jolteon Rare
Rhyperior 4 Rare
Golem 4 Rare
3 Gastrodon East Sear Rare
Aggron Rare
Snorlax Rare
3 Hippowdon Rare
3 Beedrill Rare
3 Yanmega Rare
2 Flareon Rare
2 Vaporeon Rare
Bronzong 4 Rare
Gastrodon West Sea RARE
Drapion 4 Rare
2 Raichu 4 Rare
3 Heracross 4 Rare
Vespiqueen 4 Rare
Volkner's Philosophy (LOTS)
2 Aaron's Collection (1 Reverse)
2 Lucian's Assignment (1 Reverse)
Special Metal Energy
Special Darkness Energy

Supreme Victors:
Staraptor FB Holo
Blazekin FB Holo (x3)
Sandslash Reverse Rare
Shedinja Reverse Rare
Moltres Reverse Rare
Spinda Rare
Mawile Rare
Seaking Rare
Solrock Rare
Lickilicky C Rare
Primeape Rare
Shedinja Rare
Claydol Rare

2 Froslass Holo
Arceus Colorless
Arceus Fire
Arceus Ground
Salamence Holo
Probopass Holo
Manectric Reverse Rare
2 Gengar Reverse Rare (#17)
Sceptile Rare
3 Raticate Rare
2 Omastar Rare
Gengar Rare
2 Aerodactyl Rare

Carnivine POP8 Holo
Regigigas POP9 Holo
Manaphy POP9 Holo
Flygon POP6 Holo
Heatran POP8 Holo
Rotom POP8 Holo
Pikachu POP6 Holo
Vaporeon POP3 Holo
Pachirisu POP6
Mothim POP7
Rampardos POP6

Wizards of the Coast Promos:
Pikachu (#1)
Scizor (#33)
Electabuzz (#46)
Jigglypuff (#7)
Electabuzz (#2)
Pichu Reverse (#35)
2 Dragonite (#5)
2 Zapdos (#23)
Articuno (#22)
Magmar (#44)
Psyduck (#20)
Pikachu (#27)

Sooooo yeaaaa lets all have fun :)
RE: DooDooDaDaLaLaLa Official Trade Thread

Please read the rules if you haven't already.
RE: DooDooDaDaLaLaLa Official Trade Thread

I need Sally X. I have Blaze X, Landmin X, and some others. LMK what we can do.
RE: DooDooDaDaLaLaLa Official Trade Thread

Hey, I'm interested in your Infernape 4 Lv X.
I have 2 Rare Candy and 2 Call Energy (1 RH, both not in perfect condition). Please CML for anything else.
RE: DooDooDaDaLaLaLa Official Trade Thread

Juliacoolo said:
I need Sally X. I have Blaze X, Landmin X, and some others. LMK what we can do.

would you trade the landmin X for my Sally X?

ThePokemonProfessor said:
Hmmmmm.... would you do this?
Blaziken FB Lv.X

Salamance Lv.X


Do you have any other of my Lv X wants?
RE: DooDooDaDaLaLaLa Official Trade Thread

Welcome to the 'Beach trading corner!
normal arceus
psychic bolt arceus

dialga g league promo
rare candy (if not enough)
if u want to go into detail, pm me plz
RE: DooDooDaDaLaLaLa Official Trade Thread

Do you have a pic of your shiny voltorb?
Please cml for promo dragonite #5 and pikachu #1
RE: DooDooDaDaLaLaLa Official Trade Thread

I am interested in all three of your Arceus cards, specifically the normal type one. Please Check my list for things you want for them. Thanks.
RE: DooDooDaDaLaLaLa Official Trade Thread

My: x2 Roseanne's
x1 PokeDex Handy910is

Your: Arceus LV.X Meteor Blast tin

RE: DooDooDaDaLaLaLa Official Trade Thread

EspeonROX said:
My: x2 Roseanne's
x1 PokeDex Handy910is

Your: Arceus LV.X Meteor Blast tin


Yea sure, PM me with your address

Wishirulz said:

sorry. didn't mean to skip you. i cannot send to canada as of right now. sorry.

Alex(charm)ander said:
I am interested in all three of your Arceus cards, specifically the normal type one. Please Check my list for things you want for them. Thanks.

Sorry i didn't see anything that i liked

its geo baby said:
Welcome to the 'Beach trading corner!
normal arceus
psychic bolt arceus

dialga g league promo
rare candy (if not enough)
if u want to go into detail, pm me please

no thank you

RareCandyAwesomeness said:
Hey, I'm interested in your Infernape 4 Lv X.
I have 2 Rare Candy and 2 Call Energy (1 RH, both not in perfect condition). Please CML for anything else.

No thanks.

ThePokemonProfessor said:
Yeah, Landmin

maybe. is that all you have?
RE: DooDooDaDaLaLaLa's Official Trade Thread

CML for 2 BTS and the Southern Island Reverse Holos (especially Togepi). (You can check my selling thread)

I have a Tangrowth Lv.X.
RE: DooDooDaDaLaLaLa's Official Trade Thread

Mudkip said:
CML for 2 BTS and the Southern Island Reverse Holos (especially Togepi). (You can check my selling thread)

I have a Tangrowth Lv.X.

Southern Island Reverse Holos

Tangrowth Lv. X
Luxray Gl
Dialga G Promo

RE: DooDooDaDaLaLaLa's Official Trade Thread

Was there anything else you saw besides the Luxray and Dialga?
RE: DooDooDaDaLaLaLa's Official Trade Thread

2 Tangrowth Lvl X

2 SF Tyranitar
Darkrai Lvl X
Special Dark Energies(x3)
