Back to Basics Project: Now with Base Set 2!


Aspiring Trainer
Advanced Member
As many of you are probably already aware, two months ago I decided I wanted to create my own version of the Pokémon TCG in order to create a more fun experience for players itching to get to play in a diverse metagame. After two months of hard work and testing, I've finally created enough cards to be able to release the game to the public! I'll be releasing new expansions about every two weeks, so the game will always be fresh and exciting.

(Note: if you want to read over the thread I mentioned above for more history on this project, it can be found here.

Unfortunately, it was very hard to put together a team of artists who could pump out realistic-looking cards fast enough to create great-looking cards. Instead, cards look like this:
Not the prettiest, but it allows me to make a lot of cards in an efficient time frame. I do not want to hear any comments about the design of the card blanks/skeletons. This project is done completely for free and completely on my own time, so this is the best I can realistically do.

In order to play with these cards, print off the cards you want to use, put them in sleeves in front of rotated/un-needed cards, and you'll have a realistic-feeling deck ready to use! Playing the game is literally as expensive as buying 15 sheets of printer paper! Of course, you'll also have to find a friend who's into the game. You guys can use this thread to organize games with other members over Skype/Redshark if you want, too.

Here's some more background and information/rules on the project:
Many competitive players of the Pokemon TCG have become frustrated with the past few formats. Big, bulky, self-sufficient Basic beatsticks have begun to dominate, and have essentially phased out the idea of an evolution attacker. There’s no point in evolving into a Stage 2 when it won’t be doing any more damage than a Basic will.

It seems this approach works well for TPCi as a marketing strategy, because it makes the game faster and easier to learn. However, it has created a plethora of problems in the competitive playing and deckbuilding side of the game. Ultimately, TPCi should do what works best for them and makes them the most money, which is targeting the little kids and new players.

In order to improve the overall game experience for more competitive players (and casual players itching for new cards to play with), myself and a few other people have started creating our own version of the game. This version will be different for a few reasons:

1) We will attempt to make it slower. Each player should have the opportunity to set up and use their strategy; one player shouldn’t be able to dominate because of a slightly superior start.

2) Almost every card will be designed with a competitive purpose in mind and cards are designed to create a diverse metagame, promote strategic thinking, and interesting interactions. This means less overall luck and coin-flipping, too.

3) We’re not perfect. Nobody is. If we accidentally make a card or group of cards too powerful and they’re dominating the game, we’ll change them or ban them. Hopefully this will be a very infrequent occurrence, but the point is that we’ll be making efforts to maintain our game and keep it healthy.

4) Instead of releasing one huge set every three months, we’ll release small sets (approximately 20 cards per set) every 2-3 weeks. This should keep the game fresh.

5) This version of the game will be completely free. Instead of mass-producing cards, we’ll provide card scans players can print out, put in a sleeve in front of a basic energy or unneeded card, and play with against their friends or over Skype. Eventually, we hope to gain a large enough following to be able to hold tournaments at Nationals, Worlds, and maybe even Regionals.

6) The design of the cards will be very simple. The art will just be enough to tell one card apart from the next – usually no more than a sprite. Making the cards look realistic would require more time, and an entirely new group of people working. If you’re the type of person who cares more about how our cards look than what their effect are, you’re probably not the type of player who would be interested in this game. Just keeping it real.


We tried to keep the game’s rules and mechanics as similar to the real thing as possible. We went with the B&W rulings, which means Trainers have the sub-categories of Items, Supporters, and Stadiums, etc. However, one rule in particular clearly needed changing. The following things have changed about the game:

1) The player who goes first cannot play any Trainer cards on his or her first turn.

2) Pokemon-EX still exist in the same way they always have. They are normal Pokemon but two prizes are taken when one is Knocked Out, assuming there are no other modifiers to this.

3) Pokemon “Star” are back, but one of every Pokemon “Star” can be used in a deck now, not just one Pokemon “Star” total. Pokemon “Star” can also be evolved Pokemon in this version of the game.

4) The Lost Zone has returned and functions the same way it always did. Place the Lost Zone above your Prize Cards. Cards in the Lost Zone cannot return to the game in any way.

Lastly, just to ensure everybody that I actually know what I’m doing, I’ll list a few of my biggest accomplishments in the game:

2009 Regional Champion

2011 Fall Regional Champion

Top 16 2009 U.S. National Championships

Worlds Invite 2009

I’ve been playing for about two years right now; I got competitive for the 2008-2009 season but quit after States of 2010 and finally got back into the game for the 2011-2012 season. I’m clearly not the world’s greatest player, but I certainly know what I’m doing and I know enough about card design to be able to create healthy formats.

This site is where we’ll post all of the updates regarding new cards/sets released, erratas, and everything else to do with the game, so be sure to check back here every week or so for updates!

Because I plan to promote this project on multiple sites, I created an intermediate Wordpress page to hold all of the card images and spoilers. Click here to go to it!

Please use this thread to discuss the information above, the cards, what the metagame would be, what decks you want to use, what good engines for the game would be, and anything relating to this project in general!

If this project takes off and everybody expresses a lot of genuine interest in it, I'll see what I can do to make it PB-sponsored and be able to have some forums on here to discuss the cards or something.
RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

Lucario * and Sabrina seem pretty good. Nice and balanced.
RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

Yaaaaay, It's done! I will definitely be asking my League Leader into starting a side competition for this, especially at BRs. A question- does Poison Stadium only take affect once per pokemon, or if you get rid of the poison, does it come back?
RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

That would be GREAT if you could do that; that's the exact kind of support this needs. Keep me posted! :)

And it's a permanent Poison. No matter what you do, the Active Pokemon is always Poisoned when the card is in play. Otherwise it would say something like, "At the start of each player's turn, that player's Active Pokémon becomes Poisoned." Good question, though.
RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

I'm really liking these cards. My friends and I are going to enjoy trying these over the weekend.

I only have one issue with them. The font. It is incredibly small and hard to read. I'm sure the font on all of these cards could be made a tiny bit larger, no?

Also, what happened to the Grass Energy, Fire Energy, Water Energy, Lightning Energy, Psychic Energy, Fighting Energy, Special Metal Energy, Special Darkness Energy? Just for the sake of being complete, I think these should be made, but that's just me.

Will there be Dragon types eventually?

One last thing. I think these cards can use some color. I also may have figured out the font issue. I'll be right back with a sample which I am currently working on. :)
RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

If you ever need any help with anything, I'd be happy to help also.
Another thing, Are those blanks that you gave us in the original set legal? because i had THE most awesome idea going there.
RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

@Trexroarr- The font on some of the cards could certainly be bigger. However, there would be spacing issues with cards like Venusaur-EX and Bronzong and stuff. I wanted to keep it consistent and use the same font for everything. I don't have any problem reading it once it's printed out on a physical card, but my close-vision is pretty good. I put the spoilers below the scans to make it easier to read everything online. If a lot of people find them hard to read, though, I'll try to find a way to make it bigger. I'm assuming you're clicking the thumbnails to view the actual card scan, right?

I think the energy stuff works better with the design they're given in the real game because the top bar-thingy is smaller so it looks better when attached. I could make some though; it's not at all time-consuming. I'll get to it sometime tomorrow probably.

I'm still thinking about Dragon types. I'll probably make one.

They're not colored to make them more printer-friendly. I didn't want people to waste a lot of ink printing them.

Also, let me know what you and your friends think of everything once you're done trying it! :)

@Puff- They're not, sorry.
RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

In regards to Poison Stadium, what if you have Vaporeon active?
RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

Vaporeon cannot be affected by any Special Conditions in any way, which includes through Poisonous Marsh. It's immune to being Poisoned.
RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

You like? I understand what you mean with the ink thing, so I can do them without the background color if you would like. I can make a set of each even. One set with color, one with out. It would only take one click. Bucket tool lol. Once I figured out a good system, this one took me less than ten minutes. Any after this one, would be less than five.


Look at how sharp the font is. That was the issue with yours. You did those text boxes in Paint, right? I did this in Microsoft Publisher. The font is sharp and small enough to be consistent with all cards. I may change the font style though.

I'd be glad to make all of your cards for you. :)
RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

Should we have a seperate deck garge-esque place to post decks for this? maybe as just a single thread for now?
RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

I made some edits. I changed the font to Gill Sans (the Pokemon TCG font), lightened the background to match the Lighting-type a bit better (I can make a colorless version too), made the card a tiny bit larger to match the size of standard size TCG cards, and enlarged the size of all text by one.

I also made a version with the Energy symbols. I'm actually not a huge fan of it. I just couldn't get them lined up nicely for some reason.

Which one do you guys like more? :)

RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

So balanced. I like this alot Celebi23! Can't wait for more.
RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

I find the title extremely ironic. "Back to BASICS" Was that on purpose?

Trexroarr is right. The font is too small. It's really annoying to read. Energy symbols would be great, too.
RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

@ Teal, as in the game is back to basics. lol.
RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

I know, but don't you see the irony? ;D "Back to basics." Basic Pokémon are dominating the format and Celebi wants back to basics. :D
RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

@ Teal, NEW CARD!!! Zekrom 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000HP
o Black Slash 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
That is brinin' back the basics.
Vaporeon is my favourite.
RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

Puff said:
Should we have a seperate deck garge-esque place to post decks for this? maybe as just a single thread for now?
Yeah, I think that would be great, but I need proof this project is going to take off before there's any way for me to justify changing the forum's layout.
Teal said:
I find the title extremely ironic. "Back to BASICS" Was that on purpose?

Trexroarr is right. The font is too small. It's really annoying to read. Energy symbols would be great, too.
Yes, that was more certainly on purpose. ;D

I provided spoilers for those of you having trouble reading the cards. I'll try to make it better in the future sets.

@Trexroarr- I like the first one better. If you want to do all the cards like that, that would be great. Still not sold on backgrounds though. Having separate versions of the cards certainly fixes the problem of some not being printer-friendly, but I only have 3GB of space on the website and that will make it go away twice as fast. XD
RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

I'll defiantly get all my friends to play this, it looks great. I'll talk to my league leader and see if we can have side events for it as well.
Just have one question, If you went with the BW rulings then why does Rare Candy still have the origional ruling? Can it be played to evolve basics to Stage 1s?
RE: Back to Basics Project: Complete!

Celebi23 said:
@Trexroarr- I like the first one better. If you want to do all the cards like that, that would be great. Still not sold on backgrounds though. Having separate versions of the cards certainly fixes the problem of some not being printer-friendly, but I only have 3GB of space on the website and that will make it go away twice as fast. XD

I definitely like the first one more too. I'd be glad to make the cards for ya. :)

I actually have a solution to the space problem too. I'll PM you though. No need to clog up the thread with us discussing all of this. xD