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Bad Memories (M Aggron EX / Bronzong)

Andrés Ortega

Aspiring Trainer
This will be my first decklist in 3 years so I do not know how the meta is going nowadays

  • 2 Aggron EX
    2 M Aggron EX
    3 Bronzor PHF
    3 Bronzong PHF
    1 Keldeo EX
    3 Cobalion EX

  • 4 Professor Sycamore
    4 N
    1 Teammates
    2 Skyler
    2 Lysandre
    1 Xerosic
    2 VS Seeker
    2 Max Potion
    2 Float Stone
    2 Escape Rope
    2 Repeat Ball
    3 Ultra Ball
    1 Startling Megaphone
    2 Aggron Spirit Link
    3 Shrine of Memories
    1 Dowsing Machine

  • 10 Metal Energy
    2 DCE

The idea is to build ASAP M Aggron EX using Shrine of Memory to abuse of Raging Hammer with 240 HP. Cobalion EX and Aegislash EX are here just for a support and Keldeo EX may be a counter for fire decks but the essencial is it ability. Max potion just if it is necessary.

The deck is not complete, so any constructive critisism and suggestions are highly valued.

Thanks for your atention:)


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Could you please include scans / text of the new cards from Primal Clash for the benefit of us all? Thanks!
RE: Bad Memories (M Aggron EX/Bronzong)

Hi Andrés Ortega,

Not a metal fan but the deck looks rather decent. Consider these modifications:

- 2 Muscle Band (M Aggron Ex seems to be the main attacker and he does not benefit much from it)
- 2 Shield Energy (nice but I wanted more speed with DCE)
- 1 Teammates (you need to set up faster)
- 1 Aegislash EX (too easy to play around at least in my meta)
- 1 Keldeo EX (one should be sufficient)
- 1 open deck slot (you are missing one card at present)

+ 2 Double Colorless Energy (get M Aggron going faster)
+ 2 Cobalion Ex (nice cheap attacker)
+ 2 Skyla (search out needed cards)
+ 1 Startling Megaphone (discard other tools)
+ 1 stadium card (stadiums are more varied and popular now)

I would also consider Steel Shelter over Shrine of Memories but not sure on this one. Also find some room for one Dowsing Maschine or one Scramble Switch. I tend to favor the latter option in your deck with Max Potion alsready included. it would help to conserve your energies unless the opponent is able to ohko M Aggron Ex. Maybe cut one Float Stone for it. Hope this provides some initial assistance.