I have a really bad Lonchamp list, so help out plz? ktanks
Pokemon: 17
4-1-3 Machamp
4 Landorus NV
2 Terrakion NV
2 Mewtwo EX
1 Shaymin UL
T/S/S: 30
4 Collector
4 Oak
3 Sages
2 Seeker
2 N
4 Communication
3 Candy
3 JA
3 Catcher
2 Switch
Energy: 13
9 Fighting
Landorus for early game damage spread. Machamp for tank n' spank. Terrakion for quick revenge KO. Mewtwo for Mewtwo. Shaymin for energy control if I have to get Machamp out of the active.
Pokemon: 17
4-1-3 Machamp
4 Landorus NV
2 Terrakion NV
2 Mewtwo EX
1 Shaymin UL
T/S/S: 30
4 Collector
4 Oak
3 Sages
2 Seeker
2 N
4 Communication
3 Candy
3 JA
3 Catcher
2 Switch
Energy: 13
9 Fighting
Landorus for early game damage spread. Machamp for tank n' spank. Terrakion for quick revenge KO. Mewtwo for Mewtwo. Shaymin for energy control if I have to get Machamp out of the active.
- 2-2 Donphan
+1 Landorus
+2 Mewtwo EX
+1 DCE
+1 Landorus
+2 Mewtwo EX
+1 DCE