Banned from the Pokegym?



Long story short I have been banned from the pokegym...

Will this affect my legitimacy for premier events? Such as regionals.
Forums, and other websites have nothing to do with your premier rating. Pokemon websites are not affiliated with tpcI, except for, which doesn't even have forums or anything else to be banned from. The only thing that you can do to affect your rating/legitimacy is playing in organized tournaments. The only way to get banned is to have multiple pokemon "felonies". Further info on this can be found in the rules, located on You have nothing to worry about ;)
I'm not worried about it changing my rating, for example, if PokePop is the TO for my event (he sometimes is) is he allowed to not let me participate in a tournament?
RegiMove said:
I'm not worried about it changing my rating, for example, if PokePop is the TO for my event (he sometimes is) is he allowed to not let me participate in a tournament?
No he can't. Maybe if you got banned for posting a bomb threat to that tournament, but otherwise he doesn't have that kind of power. Pokegym is just a site ran by random people; not POP.

INFERNAPE112892 said:
No he prolly doesn't know ur name any way

y were u banned

Knowing the pokegym's mods...probably something very trivial. You can get banned for alluding to profanity. Whenever someone does something that someone somewhere might find somewhat insulting, they can (and usually will) drop the banhammer.

The mods here are a lot more reasonable than those of pokegym.

RegiMove said:
Having duplicate accounts / evilpsyduck not liking me

Were you doing anything malicious with that duplicate account?
I posted a joke forum on the deck help help section with a deck with 59 energies, then I replied on my other account 30 minutes later, evil psyduck sees I have two accounts and bans me because we had a trade and he left a nuetral ref because I never sent his stuff out (I was sending first) I was too busy with real life stuff to keep up with trades, that was my bad. I don't feel I should have been banned though
Well, all you can do is wait to be unbanned. It will not affect your Rankings AT ALL. The only thing that can affect your Regional and Ranking stuff is actually how you do at the tournament.
I got banned from the gym too, about a half-hour ago! I was posting a thread on here and on the gym at the same time, and didn't realize I had hit the posting button, and I went back to my tab of this site and finished posting my strategy. When I got back, I was banned! So I know how you feel. The mods on there are pretty irrational.