Pokemon 22
3-2-3 crobat prime
3-3 yanmega prime
2-2 mandibuzz
3 spiritomb
1 bouffalant
Trainers 26
4 copycat
4 judge
4 pont
3 collector
1 flowershop lady
4 ssu
3 rare candy
3 communication
Energy 12
5 psychic
4 special dark
3 dce
start with spiritomb and lay damage counters around while setting up. disrupt opponent with judge and spiritomb (to bench) and match hand size so yanmega can attack for free. crobat also has a cheap attack and can lay down poison causing them to either attack and die or retreat and halt their attack. mandibuzz for the big snipe or heavy hitting on stage twos. ssu's to save dmged pokemon or re-use spiritomb on bench. cheap retreat lets me utilize what ever pokemon/strategy i need. bouffalant is for revenge kills and usefull against electric decks.
nice thing about the deck is everyone attacks for next to nothing if not nothing
and has a sniping option so i can play around the front man to pick off the supporting cast.
i know its very weak to electric but also quite fun to play and if played well should be able to get around that pesky weakness.
let me know your thoughts on this.
3-2-3 crobat prime
3-3 yanmega prime
2-2 mandibuzz
3 spiritomb
1 bouffalant
Trainers 26
4 copycat
4 judge
4 pont
3 collector
1 flowershop lady
4 ssu
3 rare candy
3 communication
Energy 12
5 psychic
4 special dark
3 dce
start with spiritomb and lay damage counters around while setting up. disrupt opponent with judge and spiritomb (to bench) and match hand size so yanmega can attack for free. crobat also has a cheap attack and can lay down poison causing them to either attack and die or retreat and halt their attack. mandibuzz for the big snipe or heavy hitting on stage twos. ssu's to save dmged pokemon or re-use spiritomb on bench. cheap retreat lets me utilize what ever pokemon/strategy i need. bouffalant is for revenge kills and usefull against electric decks.
nice thing about the deck is everyone attacks for next to nothing if not nothing
i know its very weak to electric but also quite fun to play and if played well should be able to get around that pesky weakness.
let me know your thoughts on this.