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Bat Signal (Noivern / Crobat)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 3-3 Noivern FFI
    3-3-3 Crobat PHF
    1 Sigiliph LTR
    1 Jirachi EX

  • 3 Professor Sycamore
    3 N
    2 Colress
    1 AZ
    2 Xerosic
    1 Lysandre's Trump Card
    1 Skyla
    1 Teammates
    3 VS Seeker

    4 Ultra Ball
    2 Super Scoop Up
    1 Startling Megaphone
    2 Professor's Letter
    1 Jamming Net
    1 Energy Retrieval
    3 Crushing Hammer
    1 Enhanced Hammer

    1 Computer Search

  • 4 Darkness Energy
    4 Psychic Energy
    2 Rainbow Energy

The strategy is to put Noivern active and slowly power it up while being protected by Echolocation. You do the bulk of your damage by evolving the bats on the bench and, once Noivern has the energy, it's attack can hit everything for 30 and hopefully take out all the targets you've been weakening.

This doesn't seem to work all that well in practice so I'm looking for ideas as to how to make it better. The problem I usually find is Noivern takes so long to power up that your opponent will get lucky on the coin flip before you're ready and take it out in one hit, usually leaving a crobat to pick up the slack while you desperately search for another Noibat to get going.

Thinks I am considering:
- Milotic FLF - Could help with getting Noivern up and running but I think I'd struggle to fit it in the deck or find it and get it evolved in time. I'm also not sold on the prize sacrifice.

- Dusknoir BCR - Handy for focussing Noivern's spread damage onto bigger targets but it needs a lot of space and seems to work in contrast to Crobat's ability.

- M-Manectric? - would get Noivern powered up faster but would need yet another energy type and doesn't really fit with the strategy. Why bother powering up a Noivern if I'm hitting for 110 every turn with a big Mega Pokemon?

- Taking out the hammers - They don't seem to help all that much. The theory was that they'd slow the active down and stop it knocking out Noivern but that rarely works. The last thing this deck needs is more stuff that relies on flips. I might drop them for a thicker line of Noivern and/or Crobat.
RE: Bat Signal (Noivern/Crobat)

You need some way to accelerate energy for Noivern which is your dead star ATM. I'd probably fit Yveltal in there since it can accelerate the Dark Energy needed onto your bench.

Dusknoir is a big help for this deck as the ability to knock out any growing threat on the bench is such a devastating blow and forces your opponent to react instead of imposing their moves on you.

If you're still intent on using Crobat, drop 1 Xerosic as you have 3 VS Seekers which acts as 3 additional Supporters anyway to 1 more Super Scoop Up. Jamming Net isn't that useful and I'd drop that for Head Ringer really since that additional Energy = 1 more turn wasted to power up crap.

Take out the 2 Rainbow and go with 2 DCE. Noivern needs a Colourless with the Dark and Psychic so why not double up on it.