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Bats and the Bees (Vespequen / Crobat)


Dunsparce Hoarder
Pokemon: 21

  • 4 Zubat (Plasma Storm)
    4 Golbat (Phantom Forces)
    4 Crobat (Phantom Forces)
    1 Wobbuffet (Phantom Forces)
    3 Combee (Plasma Storm)
    3 Vespiquen (Plasma Storm)
    1 Mew-EX
    1 Jirachi-EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 29

  • 4 Professor Sycamore
    4 N
    3 AZ
    2 Pokemon Fan Club
    1 Lysandre's Trump Card
    1 Lysandre

    3 Ultra Ball
    2 Dimension Valley
    2 Muscle Band
    2 VS Seeker
    3 Super Scoop Up
    1 Cyclone Scoop Up
    1 Professors Letter
Energy: 10

  • 7 Grass Energy
    3 Psychic Energy


Okay so this is by no means competitive however when the deck does get going, it hits hard and its hard to recover. The inspiration came from seeing a couple decks both here and online based around Crobat and Wobbuffet. While I like the simplicity of that deck I felt like Wobbuffet wasn't hitting hard enough so I looked for other answers. That answer came in the form of Vespequen. Her second attack Damage Beat does 20x the number damage counters on the defending pokemon for 1 grass and 1 colorless.

The math for that means 60 dmg on an EX is a knockout or 50 with a muscle band to knockout 170HP Ex's. That's only a couple of evolutions from the Crobat line to set up knockouts. Donphan and other stage 1's and stage 2's only need 30-50 depending on if you have a muscle band and other factors, those numbers are not hard to hit.

I kept a single copy of Wobbuffet more so as stall. He turns off abilities and works the same as in the original deck. He's great for taking fast knock-outs on Mewtwo, Mew and Lucario. Mew is in the deck for fast Damage Beats. With Dimension Valley Mew can Damage Beat for a single grass energy letting you get in some surprise knockouts.

If I can get set up before my opponents it can get very nasty. Strings of AZ and Scoop Ups make Ex KO's easy. and being able to snipe your opponents bench sitters can really throw them off their game. This deck is a pain for Night March and Donphan and wreaks havoc on little spritzes.

Thoughts and suggestions are always appreciated. It's not a tournament deck but it can certainly be fun.
RE: Bats and the Bees ( Vespequen - Crobat )

Seems like an interesting deck idea. Though it seems alot slower and less consistent than wobbuffet. But it does come with 2 types to hit for weakness and can hit harder. Unfortunately. Vespiquen is going down in 1 hit most likely. So it will be harder to consistently attack. I think with the re-release of exp share. this deck could do much better.
RE: Bats and the Bees ( Vespequen - Crobat )

I love this crobat(im a crobat deck user) and really liked ur idea. But there is little changes i would do:
-1 AZ(you will still have 2, and u have 2 vs seeker)
-1 super scoop up(u will still have 2 and 2 azs)
+1 colress(more drawpower, and from what i see ur deck will be a lot of times with full bench, u can make good use of this supporter)
+1 muscle band(2 for me seems low to this deck)
RE: Bats and the Bees ( Vespequen - Crobat )

Ivy_Profen said:
Seems like an interesting deck idea. Though it seems alot slower and less consistent than wobbuffet. But it does come with 2 types to hit for weakness and can hit harder. Unfortunately. Vespiquen is going down in 1 hit most likely. So it will be harder to consistently attack. I think with the re-release of exp share. this deck could do much better.

It is slower sadly. Your basically trading consistency for more power which is never a good trade in any deck imo but I wanted to give it a try. EXP Share might help but I don't know if the deck will have room for it honestly.

2 types of attackers is nice. Keldeo and Seismitoad are both easy 2 prizes with Vespiquen. With muscle band you only need to evolve 1 Crobat to set up the knockout. I liked Wobbuffet and still play one but it's too hard to set up a OHKO with him needing 80-90 damage with him for knockouts.

Lara538 said:
I love this crobat(im a crobat deck user) and really liked ur idea. But there is little changes i would do:
-1 AZ(you will still have 2, and u have 2 vs seeker)
-1 super scoop up(u will still have 2 and 2 azs)
+1 colress(more drawpower, and from what i see ur deck will be a lot of times with full bench, u can make good use of this supporter)
+1 muscle band(2 for me seems low to this deck)

I've actually been thinking the same with AZ and SSU. I'm always afraid I'll run out but I suppose that's the point of testing. I agree I should be running 3 Muscle Band but couldn;t find a cut for it and I've thought about Colress because I do need more draw but again space is tight. I will test out these changes and come back to this.