The strategy is to get damage on to the defending Pokémon with Crobat and then use Vespiquen to double it (+20 w/ Muscle Band). Use Super Scoop Up and AZ. Repeat.
3-3 Vespiquen [PLS]
4-4-4 Crobat [PLF]
4x Ultra Ball
1x Repeat Ball
4x Muscle Band
3x VS Seeker
4x Super Scoop Up
1x Startling Megaphone
1x Professor's Letter
1x Computer Search
4x Professor Juniper
4x N
2x Skyla
1x Lysandre
1x AZ
1x Teammates
10x Grass Energy
The strategy is to get damage on to the defending Pokémon with Crobat and then use Vespiquen to double it (+20 w/ Muscle Band). Use Super Scoop Up and AZ. Repeat.