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battle roads, master, absol g, garchomp c

Aburame Yuki

Nothing to say...
i have posted this deck before but made some changes to it. and now i really need to make it work since the BR is coming. so to the deck,
pokemon: 24
2-2 absol G
2-2 garchomp C
1-1 honchkrow (SV)
2-1 uxie (LA)
2 crobat G
1 bronzong G
1 lucario LG
1 azelf (LA)
2 unown Q (MD)
3 sableye (SF)
1 dragonite FB

trainers/supporters: 25
4 poke turn
3 energy gain
3 sp radar
1 luxury ball
4 cyrus's conspiracy
2 cyrus's initiative
2 judge
1 aaron's collection
1 bebe's search
1 palmer's contribution
1 pokemon collector
2 pokemon communication

energy: 11
4 double colorless energy
4 special dark
2 dark
1 psychic

well i would like to start with sableye for early game disruption but if that don't happen i try to get aether absol or garchomp to the bench on the first turn (or t2) so i can level them up as fast as possible. i usually do "darkness send" 2 times on t3 (sometimes t2) and i can really cripple my opponent if i get something good sent to the lost zone. (once i got 11 cards sent to the lost zone ) garchomp is there to snipe for easy prises and a good attacker. honchkrow SV is my machamp / mewtwo and sp counter.
i played vs a flygon/ machamp deck and lost... that why i took out my 1-1 slowking HS i had for 1-1 honchkrow hopefully it will help me next time.

the things i have thought of, i would like to try fitting in 1 or 2 more sableye so i can get them t1 more often.
and power spray. i know people will tell me to put it in, but i'm not good at using it. but i might consider adding it, if nothing to important is taken out for it.
thanks in advance and all suggestions are welcome ^^
aha.. no posts? well then, would it be better if i switch 1 pokemon communication for 1 bebe's search. and energy exchanger for a DCE? would that work? (gonna test it aether way) but what could i take out for dragonite FB? (not as a garchomp counter but vs sp decks in general) and yes this is just to bump up the thread.

+1 DCE
+1 D-nite FB/Ambipom G (I like Dragonite better, but it's your choice)
+1 Collector
+2 Energy Exchanger
+1 Lux Ball
-1 Initiative
-1 Belt
-1 Devoluter
-1 SP Radar
-2 Communication

You want to max DCE in a deck that discards them. Garchomp is hard to get around, and if you're lucky you can early KO a Luxray GL before it becomes an X with Dragonite, and since you're running max DCE it's pretty nice, but if it's too slow for you run Ambipom. Collector for better consistency, and Energy Exchanger gets out special energy, which is like two thirds of your energy. I like to have 3 initiative, so if you can find something less useless to take out for it, that'd be nice. Belt isn't too helpful, Absol is too frail for it. Devoluter is good for making KO's on evolved Pokemon already Chomp sniped, but that's the only thing you can take out that isn't nesecary. You don't need 2 communication, I run 0 in mine, and if you want stuff like Uxie and Honchkrow, Bebe's or Lux Ball it.
hmm, i'll take out the belt, ts-2 and communication for DCE, luxury ball and 1 bebe's and dragonite. would that work?

i think this deck might need a chance of getting better starts so i would like to add 2 sableye. what should i take out?
i thought of taking out dragonite fb, it's a good to have card but sableye might be more important. and 1 energy exchanger i have pretty good draw in the deck and better if i play 4 sableye, so i think i can get my energy without it.

or is there anything else i could take out?

i need 2 unown q since it helps me get uxie x out and retreat it, and i get the chance of giving free retreat to my sableye.but i'll take out 1 initiative.

1 cyrus's initiative -> 1 sableye (now i need to get it -.-'' )

bump. and i play tested the deck and i really missed my pokemon communication, so now i have them in the deck again. took out 1 bebe's and energy exchanger for them.

ok the deck seems to work really good now, but...

with the new vileplume being released i'm expecting to play vs at least one in the BR and dialga g lv.X is the obvious counter. now if i changed my honchkrow SV to dialga g lv X would my match be more in favor (vs trainer lock decks) than with the deck right now? dialga would also help as a mewtwo counter. the thing is that then my matches vs machamp would be really unfavorable for me.

or should i stay with this deck?

Dialga doesn't work. Just run the deck for Battle Roads, and ditch it once hunter comes out. You can always 2HKO Vileplume and they can't do anything about it, but people will run Genplume so they can level down Uxies and tech in hunter to last longer. Besides, if you're running Dialga and Garchomp, why run absol? It's too hard to pull off.
Why would hunter be such a threat to this deck? Just curious. And good point in why dialga shouldn't be in to the deck.

It would, if they can hunter every turn you pause for dragon Rush by the time they run out of DCE, it'd be Dragon Rushing for nothing. IDK, it'll be in bigger tournaments too after BRs, I wouldn't run it for cities or anything.
Well i'm the one to decide what i take up with hunter right? So i can just take up uxie or something else.

That's not the point. Let's say you Dragon Rush Plume. They Hunter, slap it back down. You can't Dragon Rush. That'd mean that unless they run out of Hunter it'll be impossible to get out of the lock. By the time they run out of Hunter they'll be able to OHKO you, which since Garchomp only has 110 HP, Meaning for Gar to OHKO you you'll only need 4 T/S/S, and Gengar can easily 2HKO you with Shadow Room.
Well i don't fear a match vs really any gengar variants that much since i hit hard on them with absol g lv.X and have a high possibility of donking them with aether sableye or honchkrow g.

True, but if they ystart Spiritomb, it's a possibility you will lose. Overall, it's a high chance you'll get a bad matchup.