i have posted this deck before but made some changes to it. and now i really need to make it work since the BR is coming. so to the deck,
pokemon: 24
2-2 absol G
2-2 garchomp C
1-1 honchkrow (SV)
2-1 uxie (LA)
2 crobat G
1 bronzong G
1 lucario LG
1 azelf (LA)
2 unown Q (MD)
3 sableye (SF)
1 dragonite FB
trainers/supporters: 25
4 poke turn
3 energy gain
3 sp radar
1 luxury ball
4 cyrus's conspiracy
2 cyrus's initiative
2 judge
1 aaron's collection
1 bebe's search
1 palmer's contribution
1 pokemon collector
2 pokemon communication
energy: 11
4 double colorless energy
4 special dark
2 dark
1 psychic
well i would like to start with sableye for early game disruption but if that don't happen i try to get aether absol or garchomp to the bench on the first turn (or t2) so i can level them up as fast as possible. i usually do "darkness send" 2 times on t3 (sometimes t2) and i can really cripple my opponent if i get something good sent to the lost zone. (once i got 11 cards sent to the lost zone ) garchomp is there to snipe for easy prises and a good attacker. honchkrow SV is my machamp / mewtwo and sp counter.
i played vs a flygon/ machamp deck and lost... that why i took out my 1-1 slowking HS i had for 1-1 honchkrow hopefully it will help me next time.
the things i have thought of, i would like to try fitting in 1 or 2 more sableye so i can get them t1 more often.
and power spray. i know people will tell me to put it in, but i'm not good at using it. but i might consider adding it, if nothing to important is taken out for it.
thanks in advance and all suggestions are welcome ^^
pokemon: 24
2-2 absol G
2-2 garchomp C
1-1 honchkrow (SV)
2-1 uxie (LA)
2 crobat G
1 bronzong G
1 lucario LG
1 azelf (LA)
2 unown Q (MD)
3 sableye (SF)
1 dragonite FB
trainers/supporters: 25
4 poke turn
3 energy gain
3 sp radar
1 luxury ball
4 cyrus's conspiracy
2 cyrus's initiative
2 judge
1 aaron's collection
1 bebe's search
1 palmer's contribution
1 pokemon collector
2 pokemon communication
energy: 11
4 double colorless energy
4 special dark
2 dark
1 psychic
well i would like to start with sableye for early game disruption but if that don't happen i try to get aether absol or garchomp to the bench on the first turn (or t2) so i can level them up as fast as possible. i usually do "darkness send" 2 times on t3 (sometimes t2) and i can really cripple my opponent if i get something good sent to the lost zone. (once i got 11 cards sent to the lost zone ) garchomp is there to snipe for easy prises and a good attacker. honchkrow SV is my machamp / mewtwo and sp counter.
i played vs a flygon/ machamp deck and lost... that why i took out my 1-1 slowking HS i had for 1-1 honchkrow hopefully it will help me next time.
the things i have thought of, i would like to try fitting in 1 or 2 more sableye so i can get them t1 more often.
and power spray. i know people will tell me to put it in, but i'm not good at using it. but i might consider adding it, if nothing to important is taken out for it.
thanks in advance and all suggestions are welcome ^^