Battle Roads, Mississippi (Laurel)


Aspiring Trainer
It was hosted in a McAlisters (Yum!), was 5 rounds and I don't quite remember how many masters there were.

First Place: Kingdra Prime (3 Primes 1 Legend Awakend) with 4 Crobat G.

It was very trainer heavy and relied on getting two Kingra out in first turn along with several Crobats. What I saw was lots of Pokemon Communicators, Rare Candy, Broken Time Space, Uxies, Crobat G and 3 Kingdra Prime line ups and 1 Kingra LA line up.

Second Place: Umbreon, Flygon and I think Gengar. I didn't play this deck so I'm not sure.

Third Place: Luxchomp, very standard and expected of a Luxchomp build. Had Dialga G X in there to counter trainerlocks.

Fourth Place: Machamp/Metagross (LA). This was me, to see a deck list go here.


My first match was against a very standard Charizard (Arceus), Typhlosion Prime and Ninetails (HGSS) deck. I was donked first turn because all I had was a Beldum.

My second match was against a Vilegar deck. Standard Spiritomb startup, build to Vileplume and Gengar. I have a low trainer count in my deck so the damage was not very high. She mainly sniped my bench since my metal pokemon had resistance and hurting Machamp made his Rage stronger. The match ended up timing with me having a two prize lead. According to new rules when the match times, there are three rounds after that. I ended the third round and took an extra prize by playing Machamp X and destroying Vileplume with Rage since I didn't have to worry about taking another attack.

My Third match was against Floatzel G. It was primarily SP with Blastoise and Feral. Prime. I got a Machamp out on turn two, warp point and started the slaughter. He finally got a Feral. Prime out when I only had one prize left, hit me for 80. I slapped down an E Belt and raged for my last prize.

Fourth Match was against a Groudon Kyogre deck using Feral. Prime to set up quicker along with Sableye as a started. Got machamp out on turn two and didn't allow Feral. Prime to even touch the field. Took out the Legend and everything else with only one energy. Won this match. Thankfully she beat the guy running Charizard which made my ranking go up since he was doing well. He lost to the guy running Umbreon since ALL of his pokemon had powers/bodies that were decent attackers.

Fifth Match was against Kingra. I lost first turn. All I had to start was a Dialga (100HP) and between two Kingra Spray Splashes, three Crobat Drops and a 60 damage attack for one energy, he won. Not to mention three Uxie Set Ups for cards (SSU acomplished this).


I thought the BR was over for me so I started trading, then Finals was announced and my Girlfriend who ran Crobat Prime, Dugtrio and Vileplume told me I made Finals. I was like, "HELL YEA!" as it was my first time making Finals at a BR. Then they told me I was going against Kingra for best 2 out of three, then I was like, "DAMN!" as the other two people I had a good chance against 2x weakness with Umbreon and SP deck).

First match against Kingra I won first turn. He called tails and flipped tails so he went first. All he had was Unknown Q. I had a Dialga in play and an Uxie in hand. I played the Uxie, warp point, energy and game.

Second match I went first, had a Dialga. I made a mistake as I forgot he had BTS in play and didn't abuse it. I realized this after I ended my turn. He won because of that huge mistake.

Third match he went first, I had a terrible hand with two dialga and a beldum. The only thing I could do was wall it out for the game. I managed to get a Machamp out and tried for a Hurricane Punch. All I could manage was 90 damage. He won (One hit a Machamp between Spray Splash and Crobat G drops and a Kingra attack).

I got my two booster prize and went home proud. Sadly no pictures were taken. offense, but there's no way 3/2's make top 4..unless you only had like..8 people..which then there wouldnt be a top cut. so don't lie just bc you want people to think you did well
You'd need at least 16 player's to have a top cut of 4. 17-32 players means you have five rounds. Unless there were drops from players that were 4-1, I can't see a 3-2 making top 4 from a 5 round tournament.

This is a breakdown for a 18 person tournament:
round 1: 9 players will be 1-0 afterward; 9 will be 0-1
round 2: 4-5 will be 2-0 depending on if the player who got paired down wins, 9 will be 1-1, 4-5 will be 0-2
round 3: 2-3 will be 3-0, 4-5 will be 2-1, 4-5 will be 1-2, and 2-3 will be 0-3
round 4: 1-2 will be 4-0, 2-3 will be 3-1, 9 will be 2-2, 2-3 will be 1-3, 1-2 will be 0-4
round 5: 1 might be 5-0, 3-4 will be 4-1, 4-5 will be 3-2, 4-5 will be 2-3, 3 1-4, and 0-1 will be 0-5
I was there to watch him play in the finals. He is by no means lying. One person had to leave (right after my match with her actually) and that probably threw some numbers off. He also beat the person who beat the guy who beat him if it makes any sense. He came in 4th place and thats that. Hes not trying to make it look like he did well, he's just trying to share the experience he had at BR which is what this forum is about.
By assist, I mean that I help the kids with decks and answer questions. I don't run it, I help with technical things online since I am rather familiar with web design and coding. League master does his part and I help when he gets overwhelmed by going through new players cards, sorting out illegal cards or rotated cards and fixing their decks so that they're playable (Making sure they have the basic to go with that Stage 1, etc.)
What probably was the case was there was 1 5-0, 3 4-1s and then some 3-2s. One of the 4-1s dropped because they needed to for a certain reason. If they want to drop or have to drop its their choice. They probably have a good reason. He must have been the highest 3-2 record there. 3-2 is still a good finish either way. The most important aspect is that you had fun.

You don't have to be a Professor to assist at a league. I only would choose a person I could fully trust though, especially if they are going to be storing some of the cards. Back when the season with Uxie was going on it was so crazy I had one person assist me.
I only know of one person who dropped, not sure if anyone else did as it is very hard to keep up with the people around you in a busy deli. XD
mlouden03, you do not have to be a Pokémon Professor to assist at a Pokémon League. That decision is at the discretion of a Pokémon League's League Owner. You do have to be 18 years of age, have a player ID, and have a Pokémon Trainer Club account to be a League Owner or a League Leader.
Okay, regarding to the whole "OMG! You didn't make top cut! Lies!". Our BR (the one that Virde participate in) had 17 people, one which dropped out early in the game, I believe. At the end, before finals, we had one undefeated, two 4-1's, and a bunch of 3-2's, myself included. The 3-2's were very close in %, but Virde had the highest by 1%. I was 5th place and my boyfriend was 6th place. I do not remember anything lower than us. Whether the person that dropped out had more wins or losses, I do not know. Mine was the unfortunate GenPlume deck that got defeated by Virde.

As for the whole "assisting" thing on League, BoDragon is correct. In our league, aside from our league leader, three people help out in the league, which are Virde, Jim (who is one of the kids's parents and also got 2nd place in this BR), and myself. There's nothing against helping out. Being a professor just makes you "officially" qualified. For people that are hardcore players, I doubt they want to be professors because of the restrictions and responsibilities that come with it.