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Battle Toads! (Politoad /Poliwrath /Seismatoad)


A Mach Punch User
Pokemon: 14

  • Poliwag - 4
    Poliwhirl - 2
    Poliwrath - 2
    Politoad - 3
    Seismitoad EX - 3
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 39

  • Rare Candy - 4
    Heavy Ball - 4
    Max Potion - 4
    Switch - 4
    Giant Cape - 4
    Startling Megaphone - 2
    Trick Shovel - 2
    Korina/Skyla - 4
    N - 2
    Prof Sycamore - 4
    Pokemon Day Care - 2
    Training Center - 3
Energy: 7

  • Water Energy - 5
    Double Colorless - 2

Strategy: Politoad's ability allows Poliwag, Poliwhirl, and Poliwrath's attacks to be used without the colorless needs, so Poliwrath can do 60 damage to active, and 30 damage to a benched for free. Seismatoad will be the main attacker though, being able to do 130 with the draw back of doing damage to 2 benched Pokemon. With Max Potion, I can freely heal the Poliwrath's without worrying about not being able to attack when they get sent in. Giant Cape and Training Center will help Poliwrath last much longer, and make the Max Potion work even better.