BB T2 ~

IMO Flariados is a T-2 deck and still usable after the rotation...
that means yea...T-2 decks are stil possible to make..
Whicker said:
Flariados isn't a real deck though...
What is it then? Imaginary? So yes, it is a real deck. You must be refering to it as not a very playable deck (or very competitive) as far as I can translate that...
That would be the correct translation for that. Excuse my lingo.
Well, I've never used Swoop! and my deck was quite T1 and T2, so I don't see how decks will lose that much speed without Swoop!
Mabey something with Mew ex as a starter, Holon Transiever for mentor and build the monster on the bench, then have Mew copy the attack, or power move to escape.
In order to play t2 after rotation, you can't play a starter, play at least 2 switchs and 2 brineys (with holon engine) and more energy. In reality, though, I don't see t2 living on with the consistancy it has right now.
gust of wind said:
Mabey something with Mew ex as a starter, Holon Transiever for mentor and build the monster on the bench, then have Mew copy the attack, or power move to escape.

do u mean mewtric? its pretty much a T2 but not so consistence
RE:   BB T2 ~

Abhorsen said:
Whicker said:
Flariados isn't a real deck though...
What is it then? Imaginary? So yes, it is a real deck. You must be refering to it as not a very playable deck (or very competitive) as far as I can translate that...
..Flariados is a deck. So, its not playable huh? So then i won my Gym challenge and got the invite with it how?
RE:    BB T2 ~

KAM-E_KAZE said:
Abhorsen said:
Whicker said:
Flariados isn't a real deck though...
What is it then? Imaginary? So yes, it is a real deck. You must be refering to it as not a very playable deck (or very competitive) as far as I can translate that...
..Flariados is a deck. So, its not playable huh? So then i won my Gym challenge and got the invite with it how?

I play Super Scoop Up... HEADS.
Play Full Flame... Reactive Poison... TAILS ON BURN?! SWEET!!
2 Energy Removal 2s... TWO HEADS!!!! Remove your GL. Play Flareon... Reactive Poison... TAILS ON BURN?! AWESOME!!!
*couple turns later*
opponent: Wow, I cannot believe that this game is THIS close even after EVERY SINGLE FLIP HAS GONE YOUR WAY. I guess Flariados must be a fragile deck if that can happen... All I need to do is get through this confusion flip, I mean, not EVERY flip can go your way... righ... TAILS! WHAT?!

No seriously, I dare anyone to play Flariados at Worlds. IF a Flariados top cuts, it will only be played by someone with the last name of Silvestro. If anyone else does, and they got an AVERAGE amount of flips go their way, then they need to see me, and I'll bow down to them.

Flariados is just this year's Zap-turn-dos.

However, I do congratulate you on your trip. No matter what deck you are playing, lucksac deck or no lucksac deck, that takes a lot of skill. And I'm being serious, just because I am insulting the deck doesn't mean at all that I'm insulting you.
Flaridos is all about LUCK. There's no skill in it what so ever, so even 1 wrong flip there would kill the whole strategy and will most likely end in you losing.
Zezima said:
^ But swoop seems important to T2 deck. It's pity it'll not be reprinted.

well there's a chance ittl be reprinted coz most important stadiums and trainers got reprinted
eg. hi/lo presure sys. PETM, copycat

maybe therle be a delta rocket expansion >,< hahaha
Any cards with the word 'Rocket's' on them wont be coming back anytime soon. They simply cant print a few Rocket's Secret Machines in a set which has nothing to do with Team Rocket, it wont fit. Same with Deltas. They wont bring back the Holon Trainers once the Delta sets are rotated out.

The best hope for those are POP sets, but even that may be stretching it...

kravenace, there were a stack of better cards which could have been reprinted than HPS/LPS... Desert Ruins for example and half the trainers in HL. They've reprinted stuff that's already legal (meaning 2+ sets with the same card), so why not do it again with HL trainers?